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Everything posted by Comebackkid

  1. Watching trabisky plays like one of my least favorite things
  2. Onethe of the defensive players, I can't remember who said it makes it hard for the defense to communicate when the crowd so loud
  3. This game has been like a snowball running downhill that you had to kick about 12 times to get it going and then it took out everything in its path
  4. Rogers internally expressing regrets about going to the Jets
  5. Now you guys know why he was pointing his finger up to the sky
  6. And the one that was taken from zero
  7. Holy crap I was thinking that was the game for some reason
  8. Are you making a reference to a motorboating?
  9. You never know she might like a good flop
  10. He's been getting acting lessons from hailey
  11. I didn't know jumping on top of the pile was a foul
  12. I was worried about that when I seen his head bounce off the turf
  13. Wow nice throw and catch... Td
  14. Haha, Roger's, sacked, int and unnecessary roughness. Should have been unnecessary ugliness
  15. Nothing like 20 yards of off coverage protection
  16. that was a horrible set of downs
  17. Well hopefully we don't see a first down carry for safety here
  18. Thought that was definitely holding there
  19. Brady playing, breaking the law, breaking the law, in his headset
  20. His utilization is super weird
  21. Hey, not just anyone can do that
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