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Everything posted by Comebackkid

  1. I was watching some footage of when Shady was here and i was just like..wow..i forgot just how shifty and quick he was on the field. Cook today was reminding me of that. His game has got significantly better this year. Today was amazing.
  2. he was getting open but then things were closing in quick...both him and cook are very good at getting small and just running through people.
  3. I think allen was at 275 but then they pulled him. coleman i thought came closer than he did. those kinda stats dont matter in the scheme of things but its cool when it can happen. shakir, is a magician.
  4. as far as i know we didnt have 300qb 100 rb and 2x 100 wr last week He did good. I loved the .... tom brady hanging by the noose comment
  5. my take aways on this game..... Cook has really turned it up lately. so many times your just like...that was such a dumb play and then he just runs through everyone. Coleman is getting more agressive and you can see him getting more comfortable in the system. I think by years end he will have matured into a very good receiver. As much as i understand why the D plays off the receiver...i really wish they would cut the distance in half. Refs...while not nec wrong today....still need to chill out some. Josh was good..not great...(really great)....couple over thrown balls but hey....i'll take it any day. i was really hoping that coleman would get over 100 and josh over three...we havent done that in a long time. we were so close
  6. 130-140 with penalties
  7. which i think josh did a bit on the int.... that said the O minus the penalities has been good.
  8. noise...but it seems like they are over coming that and the crowd seems to have quieted down some
  9. good thing they are getting amari more involved...oh wait.....🤨
  10. awesome catch by Keon to use his other hand and yank that ball away from the Defender.
  11. wow....evan engram with a hell of a catch to tie jags/gb
  12. not a fan of his antics but that sux for any player
  13. if he sees the field he's primarily a decoy/poor blocker.
  14. only if they agree to choke on it.
  15. which makes me think they dont work on it much.
  16. looks like they wanted to increase their odds of actually making it to the post season.
  17. he's not fat...he's chubby, just ask his mom
  18. dont the Jets have more 1st round picks on D than anyone? we ran pretty much at will last night until brady decided we didnt need to run anymore. for the most part though we arent really built to stop the run and at times we let the other team run all they want because we are up and its just bleeding the clock.
  19. i would think as a player...after not being utilized in a system u start to lose focus and become discontent. As a player u only have so many seasons to make your mark.
  20. i dont know if u guys seen the thing going around that cooper already caught a ball from josh allen or not. In a game we played cleaveland josh threw the ball away...via a 30yrd pass out of bounds and cooper was on the side lines...he jumped up and one handed it like it was nothing...just an after thought. Im super curious to see what difference he makes in this offense. If cooper is brought in and looks like trash or isnt used like he should be then brady can take a hike. that said without the diggs drama and diggs a 100% bought in i still think cooper might be better at this point.
  21. He also needs to act when they do come free. To often they are open but he moves on and then its too late. the first games Josh was getting the ball out fast...decisive with it. Then its like he reverted back to his old ways. maybe balt destroyed what trust he had built up in the o line and wr's. also i wish josh would use the pocket more. watch even flacco and he is a statue..but he just stands in the pocket and manuevers around just enough to stay clean long enough to throw.
  22. previously the only brought him in on no win situations against a loaded box where everyone knew he was going to carry the ball. Jets werent able to just tee off on him last night.
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