super stoked about the win...rough day for buffalo all around.
Great for Bass to come through with nothing short of a miracle kick to win the game.
The not so good is the slow start for the offense once again. It baffles me why Brady almost always scripts the first half
to play short passes....screens and run the ball with out spreading anything out. then the second half we come out and
actually throw the ball down field and open things up and dig ourselves out of the hole put ourselves into.
The bad was the Defense.
horrible tackleing...cant get of blocks to save our life...cant get to the QB. cant cover. how they managed to leave the receiver 15 yards open on every single screen to tuas left is beyond my abilty to even fathom.
If the offense can get rolling and make teams have to throw and force them to beat themselves we have a great D. If not speed and misdirection will
kill this D every time.
now im done bitching about the not so good, im going to savor this win....thank god im not a fins fan right now. (or player)