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Everything posted by Comebackkid

  1. I hope McDermott has some smart things to say during halftime.
  2. Looking good so far, wrs doing their part so far. Cook so fast around the edge now
  3. notice..none of them played for the Bills?
  4. looks like he's running about the same speed as coleman...😛
  5. yes....thats the attibutes he must be talking about.
  6. i need my eyes fixed..for a moment i thought that said Rob Johnson. i hate reading things all bass ackwards.
  7. salmon> Cod =Bass...never really liked white fish
  8. dont question the unquestionable
  9. Bills: who are you again? Oh, it's Sunday already?
  10. brady needs to start playing madden an hr before the game
  11. Haha. Standard flacco against Buffalo. Go Tarron
  12. we dont have new wr's, we have blockers and decoys.
  13. virgil wasnt used much in Denver but he did make some good plays. Looked like he has a way of leaking out deep and not being noticed.
  14. i see us coming out and trying to force the ball underneath and getting nowhere until after halftime....happens almost every game.
  15. The combination of James Cook, Ray Davis and Ty Johnson may be the best backfield in the #NFL I'd love to see some sets with all three on the field and some serious miss direction plays but I have zero hopes it will ever happen. I'd love to integrate a few of the offensive plays that Denver does.
  16. umm...do puppies come with skittles?..and where to they keep the rainbow?...asking for a friend 😃
  17. not in the play book
  18. some probably sing better than they play...thats the problem i was like...isnt ray ray a wr???.....nevermind probably doenst like Koolaid? 😃
  19. im not afraid of losing brady per se...im afraid they would prob make the wr or qb coach the new offensive coach afterwards
  20. looked like if anyone was holding it was brown...he had jersey in his hands clenched
  21. everything is perspective. if we missed the kick and miami was able to kick the field goal, the phins haven board would be going on and on about how they finally defeated buffalo and the team is getting things figured out and on the upswing....superbowl lookout. instead they want to blow everything up, fire everyone...
  22. 2022 but I think part of it is how you look at it. Then we were established in exactly what we were doing on both offense and defense. With everyone healthy by end of year if Brady and Babbich get settled in then things might be more equal. As it is I think both offense and D is to hit and miss so far.
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