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Everything posted by Comebackkid

  1. who is this playing the viking?..
  2. im here.....zero hope...but hey..im here...
  3. More like the wooden nickel
  4. mayfield seems to smart for Cleaveland.....if this is really Cleaveland they will announce monday that Taylor is still their QB.
  5. landry could have broke a leg on the last play..but close enough
  6. i agree..but if you can do those things.....then its still useful.....its like a hot girl that also has a personality... not exactly but you get the gist
  7. definitely the new media darling
  8. i wouldnt say its useless....its just not he be all, end all.
  9. Darnold txting Mayfield after the game... what the hell dude...u just stole my thunder.
  10. right....i mean that his whole thought pattern....getting the ball out....knowing where to go and hitting it...all very crisp so far
  11. what makes mayfield look good is he is crisp.
  12. i dont care how good Darnold is or turns out to be..something about looking at his face just irritates the hell out of me.
  13. its a good start...and hes smart
  14. mayfield is going to be good if stays healthy. hate landry but i wish we had a dude wiith his skills
  15. I thought you meant he felt trapped in a man's body.
  16. A lot players dont seen to be physically up to the task.
  17. They should come with the player name affixed with velcro
  18. I like this draft, the free agency not so much
  19. Interesting that Daboll was brought in for his creative mind, over the mundane and archaic Dennison, to which I say.... Hellooo, I'm waiting. Castillo is nothing but a mystery concerning his existence.
  20. another approach so ive heard is let Josh gain some experience so he makes his reads quicker.
  21. you can believe what you want.... personally i believe most of what you believe is bullcrap... but thats just my perspective In a way maybe its like.... have kids or even just being part of a family growing up....u have highs ..lows..sometimes you fight and argue but all the crap u go through makes you closer. i've only been a fan of the Bills and if they shut down i'd probably lose a lot of interest in football. Glad someone enjoyed it.
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