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Everything posted by Comebackkid

  1. Ironically he's probably the best QB on the team
  2. Horrible offensive play calling so far
  3. I think they're born little s**** and become bigger s***'s
  4. One would think some people on this board are never satisfied. Player x doesn't play perfect every snap, every game, player x didn't wake to be the greatest of all time. When we don't get recognition from outside reporters, the lowly bills are shunned and hated, when we do its not legit reporting and discredited. It's frustrating to read.
  5. I think it means buy a lot of tacos because that's the only thing that's going to be enjoyable this weekend during the game
  6. looks like the D stayed in Buffalo today
  7. It does seem they are adamantly stonewalling doing or spending anything offensively this year.
  8. I've been wondering what we do with him next year. He had the big sack year and then we signed him for two more years. Most here felt his play would drop off quickly and he would mostly be kept around as a mentor and good example. If it was me I would see how his health goes the rest of the year and bring him back for another year.
  9. no... not arguing...just stating how i see things. i understand what your saying
  10. maybe...but...if u know what to do, and dont do it, is that a talent issue?..i mean if u cant learn what to do or dont understand it..thats talent deficient. see KB. but if u just plain dont do something u know how to do...lack of preparation.... discipline.
  11. i think what makes you hate a game like this is that we should have won that game...it wasnt that we lacked the talent...but between some bad offensive play calling and players not doing things they should have we lost.
  12. nice weekend... pats win, jets win, phins win....we get peterman and a loss.
  13. sometimes the more things change the more the stay the same....then u have teams that qbs just fall into their laps, one after another.
  14. i think if allen couldnt beat out tyrod at the end of year one they would need to look at other options. how long did it take Cleveland to bench him... I was pro tyrod for a long time but he sealed his own fate.
  15. not saying im a KB fan or that i want to see him next year...but...both big plays by allen were caught by KB today.
  16. you lost me at a few years
  17. i skimmed over the entire post.... Learning moment
  18. makes me wonder what shape he is in physically to play qb....esp for the Bills. I dont see him taking hits all that well.
  19. this is why peterman does not start.....end story
  20. nice time for our coverage to go to crap
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