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Everything posted by Comebackkid

  1. Red rover, red rover, send the Ryan brothers right over
  2. I'm pretty sure If he comes back it's his love of the game and wanting to be around fellow bills players, not the money.
  3. Normally I always want to win and I hate the fish, but with this year being what it is we help our future and take away a bit from the fish with a loss. Id like to see a close game with the loss on the refs or special teams.
  4. i dont get why they dont call more come back routes. Gilmore was burned on the one and only one i seen all day. it buys the receiver some space and it puts the receiver in front of the cb rather than behind him. it was a frustrating game because regardless of how good the Bills play it seems like they go out of their way to make things harder than it should be. they dont play efficient football.
  5. this offense is horrid...i hope they figure things out this offseason
  6. Seems like receivers were getting killed right about the time Beebe was playing. He would benifited greatly by today's rules. Great football player.
  7. Tanks for the tread. ?
  8. Coaching definitely matters or coaches wouldn't get fired. Edmunds and Alexander are perfect examples of experience vs athleticism. It's a coaches job to take players from a raw Edmunds to a very football smart Alexander. New England has won a lot of games by having players prepared for every situation.
  9. Also taking into account defense is that he's faced and the fact that we're number one at quarterback pressures against., basically quarterback pressure is the Kryptonite of rookie quarterbacks
  10. Your welcome. When you judge Josh you have to look at his entire body of work and also the talent around him. Also if you look at his sack totals since he came back from injury it paints a different story.
  11. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/25500861/best-worst-qbs-nfl-week-14-goff-stumbles-bears, According to ESPN Josh just missed the list of of top 3 QBs for week 14.
  12. Thanks for looking that up. Watching it feels like even more. I get your point. It's players that are not succeeding in making the play work when it comes to running the ball, but at the same time it's the coaches who keep calling the same play on first down time after time only to see the same results. Yesterday just seemed like first-down was a giveaway and we operated on 2 downs most of the game.
  13. Hits like this should be treated and flagged as a hit against a defenseless player. Ie:wr
  14. What was our percentage on run to pass on first down? And what percent of those runs went for two yards or less? Had McCoy not went out it might have even been worse
  15. They got burned on some plays. Didn't get enough pressure on darn old. But from what I seen, offense was hampered badly from play calling. Special teams was atrocious and I put most of that on coaching as well. Way to many downs wasted on bad play calling. Asking our kicker to attempt a 55 yard kick after barely being able to walk earlier was full on retarded.
  16. Where's my 'wow' emocon…?
  17. You obviously haven't seen KB at the all you can eat buffet
  18. Hopefully Da'man and not Da'Rick
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