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Everything posted by Comebackkid

  1. Field play calling still needs some efficiency work. Hopefully this is just a warm up game
  2. Isn't this directly against the coc? (rules) Not to mention regardless of who else played a role, there were times that Daboll was inept and went against common sense last year
  3. Weren't you a boy scout? You know, always be prepared....
  4. Put your left foot in Your left foot out Your left foot in And shake it all about You do the hokey pokey And turn yourself around Now put your right foot in Your right foot out Right foot in Then you shake it all about And then you do the hokey pokey
  5. Don't be rude...... Just kidding, carry on!
  6. Yeah but this is what we do, and when I say we I mean others 😁
  7. recently signed P Lac Edwards
  8. Well Emotional support be offered in the meantime? Asking for a friend
  9. Surprised they let Edward's go already.
  10. Well, I can't say it hasn't rubbed me the wrong way before. So you do have a point there
  11. Thanks for sharing, hope you find a toilet paper alternative ?
  12. Obviously.... Signed, Doug Morrone
  13. i'll take cheesy cliches for 500 Alex. But seriously you need something that everyone can buy into and believe in together. Just like going to the movies and what ever other stuff they do together, its all about the bonding and united focus. Its not like the Marines change their mantras every year for new recruits, no....the new recruits want to buy into it because to them that defines being part of the brotherhood of the Marines.
  14. Why wasn't his legs bubble wrapped?? C'mom man!!
  15. We are short cheerleaders ?
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