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Posts posted by Comebackkid

  1. 14 minutes ago, MJS said:

    What? Lol! No, McCoy is fast. There's been zero evidence of him slowing down. Just a bunch of fans looking at his age and nothing else.


    Go watch highlights of McCoy from last year. He looks awesome. Quick, elusive, and fast. His bad year was strictly due to the oline and WR's failures to block.

    i watched every game last year...at times he looked slow to me.  even when he had space.  your right about the blocking being atrocious last year though.  

  2. 4 minutes ago, EmotionallyUnstable said:

    Does anyone else hate when a speaker refers to a specific person in it's plural form in order to try and suggest a particular style of player, and then go on to name them all? 


    Thad Brown: 


    "The second year quarterbacks...the Sam Darnolds, the Baker Mayfields, the Josh Allens...."


    Like, dude, how stupid do you think we are? What a pointless piece of overused jibber jabbed that so many media/journalists use 

    The Thad Browns... The losers... 

  3. If you want to hang out, you've gotta take her out, cocaine
    If you want to get down, get down on the ground, cocaine

    She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie,

    If you got that lose, you want to kick them blues, cocaine
    When your day is done, and you want to ride on cocaine

  4. 2 hours ago, SoTier said:


    Fans have been saying this early in the tenure of every regime since John Butler, AJ Smith, et al departed for San Diego in the 2001 off season -- until the regime fails to deliver real improvement and settles for their usual 6-8 wins/season.  I'll remain skeptical that the team is actually improving until they demonstrate it by winning football games with some regularity.  That needs to be a minimum of 9 wins, but I'm not expecting that many.

    A lot of that is a factor of no consistency and poor drafting.    We'll see what happens.    For now I like where we are at. 

  5. 23 hours ago, PlayoffsPlease said:

    I see no evidence that there is a successful slow progression of improvement model. I can't think of any teams that fall into that category.  The rams, eagles, seahawks are all examples of the much more frequent quick turnaround model.  Broncos and Saints are examples of the "pick your spot " model.  Which team would you hold out as an example that in year 4 or 5 of  coaching change all of sudden pop to the top . 

    Well when I say I like where we are headed,  for the most part, Im talking about our drafts, our coaching staff, the philosophy of McDermott and Beane.   So even though our record may not always show a steady linear climb, I think as a whole we are improving.    From one year to the next other teams change,  players get injured... Luck,  refs,  Things happen that alter the year end outcome.  

  6. 11 minutes ago, PlayoffsPlease said:


    I am not a "we won the off-season " guy.  Most teams most years are spinning wheels. The nature of the salary cap and free agency fuels that.  Its better to spin wheels when you are the Patriots or Steelers near the top of the league.   But this year is really different, the clearance of salary cap, and the lack of a loss of key players is actually fairly unusual. 

    I like where we're headed.  At the same time, game time reality usually beats the crap out of the post draft high.   I would say  9+ wins this year would be good progress.   At the same time so many other factors come into play. 

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