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Everything posted by Comebackkid

  1. Houston killing themselves on offense
  2. kind of dumb because it would have been physically impossible to get the other foot down when he had a leg between his. plus the second foot was in bounds when the ball was caught
  3. dumb play calling there..u could see on that drive u werent getting yards on the ground
  4. now if they could have just got in the previous time
  5. i wouldnt say its just to benifit the chiefs....its used anytime they want to manipulate the course of a game.
  6. and thats why the chiefs dominate
  7. good russ still isnt very good anymore
  8. mine is chrystal clear. not sure why would have bad picture quality
  9. they are brady/patriot like in the dont make mistakes and they capiltalize on other teams mistakes.... (well coached)
  10. this falls into line exactly with what i intended to post. the coverage on the back end is so loose right now that qbs are able to get the ball off quickly. which means at first glance they have a player open and throw the ball. this screws the D line because the oposing qb doesnt have to sit back there and figure out where to go while someone forces him to do something he shouldnt. the D fense was predicated on being able to get pressure on the qb while the backend can trick the qb into either throwing the ball and making a mistake or holding it too long. right now the back end cant hold up their end and its taking away from the effectiveness of the D line.
  11. exactly...lots of these are just one persons opinion im sure she means..."Her" husband of the year.
  12. after watching this game i know how he felt 😃 Johnny Cash: I walked the line.
  13. how do you fit a bull into your living room?....i know a bull in a china shop is bad...in a living room dont sound good. at least you call him Mr.
  14. it was just as cold for the fans sitting in the stands...probably colder who paid to see professional players play like such.
  15. where was your pet bull to get upset about it? and why do you have a pet bull?
  16. I totally HATE how they use kincaid. drives me nuts
  17. that sums up today pretty well !
  18. looking at them as pictures i thought they werent to bad and then seeing them on the field was like ohh..hell no!
  19. neither of those were all that clear until u looked at the replay
  20. Cam would be a good player if he could just tackle better
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