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Everything posted by teef

  1. have a big boy conversation scott. try it.
  2. if anyone here finds themselves in this sort of state at 67 years of age, please turn off the tv, and re-evaluate your life.
  3. oh da'rick! is that dude still in the league? if he is, expect me to start a thread anytime he touches a ball in the preseason, because apparently that's a thing.
  4. jesus guy...how much did you like hogan? do you have a fetish for average receivers? the guy has been gone for over a year. don't you think it's time to move on? try not to be so emotionally attached already.
  5. it's not a tailgate until i hear black betty blaring in the back ground.
  6. i think you're pretty spot on with all of this. we've seen a ton of good to great players walk from this team, and it was tough to see sammy and gilmore added to the list. there are big changes coming, so at this point, i'm just going to sit back and watch how this unfolds. if this team finally picks a decent qb, we won't be in this losing hell. at the same time, i think we all know this could end in disaster as well.
  7. i've been pretty impressed with him in the limited time that i've seen him. i certainly don't think he'll have a boom year, but with the right qb, he could be mega productive.
  8. this nonsense. not a single person is making excuses for anyone. some of us just realize that losing an average wr over a year ago isn't worth continually complaining over. it wasn't even an action by the staff in place now, so what exactly are you accomplishing by repeatedly mentioning chris hogan? i swear some of you aren't happy unless you're whining about something. if you really don't think the "clowns at obd are even interested in building a winning team" why watch? is your time that worthless? sack up.
  9. I certainly don't think hogan is bad. Hes a hard working guy, and he deserves any success that he achieves. I just don't think he would have had any real impact for the positive had he stayed here. Not that he couldn't have helped depth, but it's certainly not like losing Sammy. To still be complaining about the loss of hogan after this time is just complaining for the sake of complaining at this point. It's over. He's gone, and it wasn't this staff'a fault that it happened.
  10. He was an average wr that went to a team with possibly the best qb of all time, and reached the statues of slightly above average. It is what certain posters are making it out to be. Some here just love to wallow in misery. Being upset about the loss if Sammy is completely understandable. Being upset about the loss of hogan is just a waste of time.
  11. i'm a kirwan fan as well. it's an interesting take.
  12. and the fighting continues...
  13. i don't disagree with your point of view at all actually, but let's not act like you're into having a football discussion. i think we know better. btw, did you hear that john ritter was well endowed?
  14. for a period of time i was in a bike gang known as the ankle spankers. we had a bit of a reputation.
  15. don't you kinda miss john ritter?
  16. No. Just more the posting history where you don't actually discuss football like a normal person, but rather stick to snarky comments and constant negativity no matter how logical a move the bills may have made was. It so easy to be down on this team and be right. It doesnt make you a football expert in any way. On top of that, the desperate need to be right on a message board is kinda sad. A sexy sword fight?
  17. I just had the chills.
  18. based on your posting history, i didn't realize that's what was going on. my bad.
  19. his favorite sport is table skiing. you have trouble with normal conversations...don't you?
  20. it's pretty obvious that that's who he is as a poster. he'll make claims with assertion...his claims are shown to be wrong, and instead of just admitting he was mistaken, he'll go on and on with complete nonsense in an attempt to still seem right. it's ok to be wrong. why some won't admit it, i have no idea. i suppose if you aren't right in real life very much, there's a need to be right on a message board.
  21. i'm actyally a badol fan. guys like him make boards interesting places...fathead issues aside.
  22. typical of you. instead of providing some actual evidence, you just ramble on. show me some articles that praise cyrus in any way. you make him out to be a player that's constantly working on his craft with anticipation of having his bust in the hall of fame. it's complete nonsense. i also loved how you completely blew over the fact that a grown man was arrested in a pasture without any pants on. like it was a big nothing. well, the guy you though was such a player on the rise was just cut from two teams in a matter of weeks. obviously there's something very off there, and instead of considering it as an option, you and other posters just couldn't wait to bash the office. it's ok to be wrong, but posters like you just can't admit. you actually made a sweet little story to try to back up your nonsense. complete blowhard.
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