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Everything posted by teef

  1. right. don't get me wrong. i completely understand how important jones and sanu are to that offense, but they still had the better qb, and likely the better wrs, even with the duo out.
  2. i know many keep bringing up the loss of jones during the falcons game, but it's not like the bills were at full strength. they entered into the game without their starting lt and de.
  3. that's right. born in 77. i even saw quite a bit of change after that. i was group texting with some college roommates recently, and we were sharing our, "not ok today" stories. for example, this crazy girl on our floor in college hooked up with one of our friends. he didn't want anything to do with her afterwards, so instead of being angry at him, she confronted us. well, we weren't very nice about it, and a very long story short, she had a legit break down, ran into the woods, and was gone for hours...in a super public fashion. back then we thought, "she's fine. she'll be back". she wasn't fine. if that was today, we'd be !@#$ed. maybe it's an age thing? i also have an aunt that's gay, and she has been with the same partner since 83. they both have a fantastic sense of humor about it considering they didn't even feel comfortable coming out until they were 60. my brother in law on the other hand is in his early 20s. that's my mom's stomping gound. she grew up on corgan st (sp) and worked at the char pit. my wife's brother is gay. yeah...as i think about it as an adult, it's strange that we literally didn't take one shower in high school. i think it was even to the point where it would have been weird to do so. i'm not sure i even remember the showers being on. i went to mcquaid which is considered expensive, but when i went there in the early 90s, the place was kinda dumpy. no pool, auditorium, etc.
  4. it depends on the guy. my best friends brother is gay, and he finds this stuff hilarious. my brother in law is gay, and he is not cool with it...at all. in 95.
  5. i was addicted to cocaine, but the process works too.
  6. i actually only know of one student from my class that is gay now, (we only had a class of 135 or so). i remember him being given a pretty tough time about it too. not physical bullying, but definite name calling. his nickname was, "the sassy sailor". i can honestly say i wasn't a part of it, but he put up with years of nonsense. i may have you beat...i took 0 showers in my school. 0. that's after playing football and running track. just left all gross. everyone did.
  7. some people are still banging this drum.
  8. are you a brony? or worse yet, a clomper?
  9. i'm with george on this as well. it would have been great to keep watkins, but i understand why things went down, and it's just time to move on from it.
  10. i want matt milano to be good. i really do, but so far the guy doesn't nothing for me. am i out of line here or what?
  11. i went to a private school, so we didn't have a pool either. on top of that, it was an all boy school, and students were so paranoid about being labeled gay, that guys typically wouldn't even shower after games.
  12. every week. i have no idea why either. color me confused as tell. there's definitely a place for tolbert for short, grind it out type yards, but what the hell?
  13. i had it happen about a month ago. i couldn't stand up straight for about a day. it still doesn't feel perfect.
  14. i definitely did not think the bills had it in them to go to south and take a game like that. i was very wrong.
  15. i went to a private school. these things happened when two students wore a tie too similar in color. you people need to toughen up.
  16. are you hitting on me?
  17. it really wasn't one of those game day experiences for me. i wasn't even planning on going, but my wife surprised me with 2 club tickets a day before the game. one for me, and one for her. she wanted to make it a "date" experience. she even hired a driver for us. we literally got there about 45 mins before the game, walked into the club, and had a drink and some food. i might come to the tampa game. if you guys are there, that could be the moment when our eyes meet.
  18. exactly. i don't want my time wasted by anything else.
  19. no way. have a great time with your daughter old. i wouldn't let any of this nonsense stop you from making a fun memory. i can't tell you the number of times i fondly think back to games with family and friends. it's a game. have fun.
  20. i had a beef on weck at the opener. i don't remember them ever doing it before, but they put cheese on it. i don't know why, but it bothered me. i love cheese on anything, but not on a beef on weck.
  21. seriously...the whole things just strikes me as lazy.
  22. the mustache wall of fame? yes.
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