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Everything posted by teef

  1. my dog wouldn't even drop a turd on that lawn...he has standards.
  2. capsaicin also helps people with burning mouth syndrome. they actually rinse with a mixture of tabasco and water to diminish the symptoms.
  3. gnocchi dinners before every game.
  4. i think this team needs more italians in general.
  5. i make my wife sell her body.
  6. this...is...good.
  7. are you calling me a whore?
  8. i actually did, but no one seems to be buying my baked goods.
  9. i'm not going to say it's not a nice lawn, because it is, but my **** is like a carpet. that being said, i don't do it myself anymore. i hate paying for it, but that do a fantastic job.
  10. this place is going to be gross if the bills lose.
  11. she does, but she knows to keep quiet about it unless she wants a lump on her face.
  12. no you !@#$ing don't.
  13. or get plastered, try to climb over a fence, and kill yourself. edit: i can watch that video over and over. never gets old.
  14. now i'm good at three things!
  15. zero. school and work are possibly the only two things that i've been really good at. i'm a lump otherwise.
  16. oh absolutely. how many times as fans have we been at this exact point at this exact time of the season? we're all waiting to be kicked in the ding ding. the only benefit of enduring this time and time again is that i've become numb to it. the way i'm looking at it for now is that the bills are exceeding my expectations, and that bodes well for the future. agreed. there's an art to what he's doing. respect it and don't get lazy on us.
  17. i agree with most of this, but i think this defense is drastically different from the one that played oakland last year.
  18. the raiders were too good to go into a 5 game slide. as many have mentioned, i think it comes down to the bills injury report. that being said, i think this is one of those games where the home field advantage is unusually large. i wouldn't be surprised if the oakland come in and beat down the bills, but the bills can certainly take one here. to be honest, i'm still unsure of exactly who this bills team is yet.
  19. ok...now i know none of this is real.
  20. based on what? finally winning last week?
  21. i'm sure i missed it, but is there any word on gaines?
  22. it was also brought to my attention that there's no swearing in that movie. i just never noticed. old schools...yes. suburban italians...no
  23. do you think they'd like my celebration?
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