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Everything posted by teef

  1. a man named marcell is tearing us apart.
  2. i never even thought of this, but not i'm paranoid.
  3. you have to admit...the phrase, "brilliant minds in miami" is a pretty solid hook. the guy is good at what he does.
  4. that's where i'm at. i just don't care.
  5. happy birfday!
  6. calling it a power move is exactly what i want from him. that was a nice touch.
  7. i bet saviorpeterman is shitting himself right now.
  8. good points, and to be honest, i never really considered it.
  9. that's what happened to us. the last generation was into the catholic thing, the kids...not so much. it's strange. on occasion i'll run into some of the old schools from my mom's neighborhood, and they still ask about my uncle priest, (who is in his 80s). back then having a rock star in your family when one of the kids became a priest.
  10. good. i'm from a hardcore italian catholic family, and i'll raise you the fact the my uncle is a priest.
  11. fondled? i'm bad at these types of things.
  12. because you're asexual? maybe he was touched by a priest. that will put a spin on things i bet.
  13. i don't think people completely get t-bomb. not a bad guy, but just has a hardcore slant of negativity to almost everything. not a bad thing, but definitely a personality trait. i remember a conversation on the bbmb where he was saying something along the lines of employees can be good employees if they're happy, (or something along those lines). he also made a comment about how he was so glad he never fell into the peer pressure thing as a kid, drinking and partying with friends, where for most people, those are wonderful memories. just different mindsets.
  14. it's definitely paranoia with a need to find something familiar to be upset about. i think it's pretty obvious that these moves were made without finances being the only or even biggest issue. money is always a consideration when determining value, but did he want the bills to hang to and overpay gilmore? there just wasn't enough value there. on the flip side, i'm very confident that if white turns into something special, he'll get the big money he commands. this crew isn't going to hand out bloated contracts to the players and not let them perform.
  15. people keep bringing up a short week? don't the jets have a short week too? isn't that kind of a wash?
  16. i'm 40 now, and if i try to drink at the game the way i did in my 20s, it takes me two days to get back to baseline. now i drink like a gentleman. you keep pushing that this management is letting people go only for the reason of money. you really still think that's the reason? i just don't think you have any ability to see the big picture.
  17. the dolphins are playoff bound? it's hard to type actually.
  18. i don't know if i'd trade you, but i wouldn't talk to you.
  19. but he's super into stranger things, so they'll find a way to adapt.
  20. this would be the only trade that would really have me bent out of shape if it happens. i didn't love some of the other trades, but understood them. why in the world give up a very good lt at this point in the game?
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