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Everything posted by teef

  1. dilly dilly
  2. i'm gong to have beers with likei've this wednesday. you jelly?
  3. you seem fun.
  4. don't you down play my three day weekends.
  5. this is about the time that i like to remind everyone that i don't work fridays. (at least on a schedule). three day weekends bitches.
  6. you have. i'm willing to admit that you're a bigger part of the 5-2 record than i am.
  7. have you been sick or something? on a side note, i'm not going to lie...i don't hate light beer. if i'm doing any sort of marathon drinking, it's light beer. the thought of drinking craft beers for hours makes my stomach turn.
  8. i've said "cakewalk" in the last two predict the score threads, so i think i have my end covered.
  9. exactly. i think this team has it's head on straight. they'll be prepared and ready to play. not guaranteeing a win or anything, but the bills are the better team, and i think they'll be more than ready for the game.
  10. nah. i'm already up and being productive. i'm just happy you were able to get out of bed...being so nervous and all. life is scary, isn't it?
  11. if they win, they win. if they lose, they lose. sack up.
  12. steptide explanation of the sound bar is a good one. i found that most sound out of the standard speakers on the tv is pretty weak, depending on the room. we have a great room that our main tv is in, and it absolutely needed the sound bar. it's also on an ARC, so the sound automatically goes through the soundbar once the tv is turned on. for mine, it takes a second, so i first hear it through the tv, and after about 3 second, through the sound bar. the sound is significantly better. it's almost a necessity for normal sound in certain rooms. no where near as nice as surround sound, but much less expensive. i don't have a sound bar in my home office, but i don't have any problems with audio, mostly (i think) because the room is smaller. i've also heard the newer tvs have improved the standard speaker sound quite a bit.
  13. i can just imagine him sitting around, doing the math, and wondering how his out of pocket medical bills will effect his bottom line.
  14. also my thought process.
  15. as just jack mentioned, try using a hdmi switcher, (not splitter) if you don't have enough inputs. the one i used was great, and would automatically recognize what device you were trying to use, and would bring it up on the tv. the only time i ever had to manually switch the setting was if two devices were running at once, and i wanted to switch between them. even for that there was a little remote. 50 bucks maybe.
  16. i'm pretty sure that's what marcus allen did.
  17. to be honest, it's the school tax portion that's crushing. it's around 75% of my bill.
  18. it's tough to spend the money after investing in a tv a few years ago. if size isn't so much of an issue i bought the 50 inch version of this sony for my office: https://www.crutchfield.com/p_15849X900E/Sony-XBR-49X900E.html?tp=60890 mine has 4 hdmi, (not sure about the other inputs off the top of my head) and i love the picture. if anything it's almost too over the top, but it received such great reviews...especially for gaming if that matters. every other tv we have is a samsung. i like them because they have the spectrum app, meaning i can watch my cable feed without needing another cable box. is it mine, or does it take a while for the smart tv on those things to get going.
  19. i wonder if he gives out the full candy bars, and if he does, do the goldmans get a cut?
  20. as soon as i read the title of the thread, my first thought was just to buy a new one. i've had a few samsungs, and for the most part, they've been great...i just don't love the smart system on the tvs. it must have been a decent tv for that price at that size. we bought a new samsung 75 inch for our family room, and it was maybe 1800. i have a tough time thinking that sucker is going back together same way. on a side note, if you do buy a new one, you can look into the 4k tvs. I just bought a 50 inch for my home office, and it's pretty badass. not the cheapest tv, but it's the best picture in the house.
  21. that's great! i was pretty bummed that i couldn't hear it.
  22. we'll know thursday how similar those teams actually are. one nugget i really like from the interview, (in the paragraph for challenges of a first time gm) is that beane went way out of his way to let the interviewers know that this team was in no way near a final product yet. this team is way over achieving considering the pieces aren't in place yet.
  23. had a chance to hear some of that interview last night, and it was excellent. from the time i left work yesterday, until the time i drove into work today, nfl radio has been saturated with bills talk. i think eric wood was even going to be on the morning kickoff today.
  24. and is still less than my nys property taxes.
  25. if he keeps playing solid like he is now, and the bills make the playoffs, can you really let him loose? the bills can still draft a qb in the early rounds, and to be honest, 16 mill for a qb contract doesn't seem that outrageous to me at all.
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