watkins was absolutely inconsistent. you mention dropping balls and running the wrong routes, but that's not what i'm referring too. i'm talking about straight up production, or lack there of from sammy. you want to blame in on the coaching? go right ahead, but sammy has been on two teams now, and has yet shown to be elite. at some point the excuses from posters have to stop. woods was a solid wr for the bills, but in no way should the bills have given him 8 mill a year. i appreciate what he's done for la, but no way.
and what's with the "how many rams games have i watched"? enough with that nonsense. i don't need to see any to know that watkins has so far been a failure there. has woods be good...sure, but in my mind not 8 mill a year good. i'd much rather have benjamin for that money.
i really don't think you even care about these specific players. you're still in that nonsense mode that the bills are letting these guys go because of money, when it's clearly not the entire story. at least you started bringing up gilmore as an example. he would have been a huge mistake for the money. keep letting your anger cloud the reality of what's happening.
sammy's lack of production is no one's fault other than sammys. woods seems to be getting the ball fine enough. why can't watkins?
you're elite.