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Everything posted by teef

  1. I think it’s so they can take the obligatory rookie trip to Niagara Falls.
  2. if bills mafia was ever going to donate to a cause...this is it.
  3. oj simpson killed a couple of people.
  4. i don't know if this was mentioned in the articles, but people are pushing this a bit further as some theaters have been having trouble during the showing such as lights being left on and the a/c not working. people are really reading into this.
  5. I’m leaning towards blue. I don’t think I’ve ever had a pbr.
  6. But everyone was over 18.
  7. does being a buddhist involve hating people?
  8. the comparisons are now being made to the bucky phillips incident. that guy was on the run for awhile.
  9. i just got a ring toss game for the pool. it was super cheap, so why not? i'm not sure if it was even part of prime day, or it's just a piece of *****. we'll find out.
  10. every day i find myself growing farther apart from you.
  11. why 12 minutes?
  12. is this another fat shaming thread?
  13. i think if guys agree to this...that's on them. we all want to make our future wives happy, but no to this. there's a limit to everything.
  14. i'm too busy being traumatized by the jared fogle documentary on max.
  15. would you send me a picture of y our midsection while holding tax returns? we call those people skinny fat.
  16. my wife had a friend who had her rehearsal dinner at the ellicottville brewery, and the place was incredible. i think your approach to wedding is what i'll likely do for our kids. here's the amount of money you're going to be given by us...use it as you see fit. it wasn't a ton, but every bit helps. i didn't mind spending a bit more on the wedding, but i was 34, already had my house and business, so i wasn't a young kid who needed the money to go elsewhere. i was lucky in that regard. all i requested was good food and good booze. i've been to too many weddings where the food was absolute dog meat. i couldn't do that.
  17. can you even fit into your pants anymore after all the mcds?
  18. exactly. my wedding was about the same size...maybe 170-180 max. i have a good sized family, and my wife was younger, so she was still very much in the mix with her college scene, and god knows she needed them all there. i remember having to give over my credit card at the reception to extend open bar. never again.
  19. this makes sense. i don't do instagram, but i'm aware that it's about flaunting a lifestyle that most don't have.
  20. i'm not sure any of this is new. if anything i've seen scaling down the weddings to save money, but maybe that trend is over. a 50 person rehearsal dinner isn't big at all if you have a large family. i do however agree with the extended bachelor/bachelorette party. there's no need to make someone take a 3 day vacation just to celebrate you getting married. i think most people who have the big weddings would never do it a second time around.
  21. if we weren't on the internet, i'd call this a massive waste of paper.
  22. i can't help, but there's is an area that i've been know for their italian food. the hill or something along those lines.
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