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Everything posted by teef

  1. it's pretty obvious that you're difficult to have a normal conversation with.
  2. lots of stuff comes up on twitter that's complete nonsense. this would fall under that category. true
  3. someone would have to be going out of their way to consider that racist. i am very curious on what you're trying to accomplish with this thread.
  4. i'm even wondering if he has some badass ankle strength.
  5. evan said that! no way!!!
  6. they should start throwing them at the bus as soon as the pats drive into the stadium.
  7. i agree, which is why he could potentially stay here next year. again, i'm fine with that, as long as a qb is drafted this year to groom.
  8. money? is there anyone willing to pay him more and declare him a likely starter than the bills? you may be completely right though...he may be done with buffalo.
  9. i completely support tyrod, but am not a big fan if that makes any sense. he does some things well, but i'll be furious if he's in the long term plans as qb. if he's here next year while qbs develop, i'm more than good with that.
  10. do you think the run game had anything to do with that? edit: never mind. people are already letting you know what's up.
  11. what a little B word you are.
  12. you use watson and mahomes as examples of the best qbs in the draft, (at least it's why i think you mentioned the bills passing on them at 10). if the bills will be picking in the same likely spot this year, why isn't it possible that good qbs come draft time are still around in that spot? we have no idea how this will work out, and on top of that, the bills can trade up if they feel it's necessary.
  13. i was on a puddle jumper one time going from miami to mexico. we were sitting on the plan waiting forever. a very young pilot stumbled on, obviously annoyed. from what i understand, he was pissed because he wasn't even aware that he was supposed to be taking that flight. i'm not sure what i heard was correct, but apparently ,**** happens.
  14. oh my.
  15. come on 72...the only "facts" you've thrown out is that goff either isn't good, or that he's being coached not to throw to sammy. i'm not saying watkins isn't getting attention, but so what. all top level receivers get that attention. guess what? they also get the production as well. that's what it is to be an elite wr...you're covered, yet you still grab balls and score tds. sammy has been with the rams long enough to develop some chemistry with his qb. maybe you need to watch those games just a bit closer to see why he's not getting balls thrown is way. maybe at some point, it's on sammy. all i've heard about sammy's lack of production is excuses. honestly...it took woods being out for you to think that sammy might finally get some numbers.
  16. i'm still waiting for you to know how anything i've said isn't correct. you can tell us to watch the games all you want, but at this point, it's nothing more than a deflection from you for not having enough of an argument to back up that sammy isn't anything but an average wr at this point. you're the one who claims to watch the games, yet you've made comments that you can't back up. by watching the game, do you know that goff is being coached to ignore sammy? it's hard to believe at this point that you've seen anything more than rams highlights. you let emotion override reality when it comes to watkins for some reason.
  17. can you describe me what i wasn't correct about? and again, why do i have to watch the games to have an opinion that sammy isn't elite?
  18. the entire thing is almost twisted.
  19. to be an adult and not cry in every post. if i'm 67 and crying incessantly on a message board...kill me.
  20. you may have officially moved into the worst poster category. really...the race card? it's absurd.
  21. again, you insist on playing the you don't watch the games card because you have no legit argument. you've come up with such ridiculous arguments, that i wouldn't be shocked if you haven't watched a single rams game, and are just saying so to bolster your point. ok. you said i don't have any evidence to my comments. what have i been wrong about? i've mentioned that sammy hasn't done anything to call him elite, and i've made the comment that his production since being in the nfl has been underwhelming. what am i wrong about? i don't think anyone reasonable can argue against these points. since no on reasonable can argue these points, you've literally lied making unfounded comments like taylor is a much better qb than goff, and that goff is being coached not to throw to watkins. you call me out as making comments without actual evidence, yet you make absurd comments like this that are nothing more than nonsense you conjured up. do you not get how posters are reading this and think you're being foolish.
  22. i wouldn't go back to peterman until they're eliminated from the playoffs.
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