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Everything posted by teef

  1. if i do enough drugs, i'll be up for anything.
  2. this wins the thread. shakespeare for everybody!
  3. this is the main point. i like taylor as a qb, but he's certainly not a guy you build a team around.
  4. i was from one of those situations as well. both sets of my grandparents were from italy, and there was the thought that you couldn't move forward in life without a formal eductions, (which we all know isn't true). i think it was more fear as i can't tell you the number of times i heard, "they can never take your education from you!"
  5. what did you want to do? or was it one of those situations where you weren't sure, and people told you you might as well go to college?
  6. i haven't done it, but my best friend did. he was in pharmaceutical sales for johnson and johnson, and absolutely hated it. he was always under the gun for sales, and they dangled his job over his head constantly. he knew they were cutting staff, so he actually put himself in position to be let go. at first i thought this was nuts, but he had a plan. he ended up to going back to RIT for packaging engineering. since he had been laid off, he was able to get money, (i really don't know if it was a grant or what) to cover a very large portion of his tuition. i think it was a program where the unemployed could learn a new vocation. years later he now lives in buffalo, works for rich foods, and makes a very good living. that being said, he did this in his early to mid 30s. he didn't have kids yet, and his wife had a good job in sales. i'm sure this scenario helped him make the decision.
  7. notice how you get into it with almost every poster? yeah...i'm sure it's all their fault. you really need to start taking the emotion out of posting, stop making up facts to support your opinions, and learn how to have a normal discussion. my god...someone proves you wrong so you put them on ignore?
  8. if rich dawson was still alive, there would be a line of women waiting to call that guy out. then again, not a single one seemed to mind when he leaned in for that oddly sexual kiss strangers don't typically exchange...especially when the rest of the family is still there.
  9. exactly. at some point you just play the games, and let things fall where they may. it's still way too early to worry about the draft. so much will change between now and then.
  10. if you're willing to live in a more "rural" community, it's completely worth it. unfortunately with my job, i'm completely fixed to an area. the only way to avoid taxes in this area is to go for a smaller house. it's strange here. house prices don't stop you from wondering if you can afford the house...it's the taxes.
  11. i didn't. my wife wouldn't go for it. we found one place that was 10 acres, but she refused. her dream was to live in a dense suburban neighborhood where everyone hangs out. i'd personally rather put something sharp in my eye. we compromised and moved into perinton in a neighborhood that has 2/3 acre lots. we can all see each other, but it's a bit too much of a pain to walk over and start a conversation. we all wave, and that's it. it's perfect. monroe county is absurdly high. on top of that, we're not even in the highest suburbs. pittsford and brighton have the such astronomical taxes it's insane.
  12. our square footage is low cost. the taxes are not. it's easy to get a nice house here in terms of size, make, etc...but you get kicked in taxes. oh yeah. money i'll never get back, but there's not much of a choice.
  13. oh...i wish it was only 5 times more. our county is one of the highest in the country. i don't think it's worth it, but the schools are fantastic. now you're just trying to hurt me.
  14. there's so much that changes between now and the draft concerning qbs. although i hope it doesn't happen, i'd have no problem if they really had a target they wanted, and traded up for it. ideally though, this team needs to retain as many picks as it can.
  15. t-shirt weather. feel sad? i'd go home an punch my wife out of happiness.
  16. just let him roam naked in the yard...it's natures toilet. the 17 year open sore.
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