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Everything posted by teef

  1. That's not what management thinks. I've caught a ton of slack, and human resources is all over my butt. You owe me.
  2. So...has anyone actually seen a memo? This is just all so exciting!
  3. Me too. Toronto and Ottawa always made me feel comfortable.
  4. My ears are burning!
  5. there sure are david. there sure are.
  6. annoyed is a better word, but if you think the op started a good thread, i'm not sure what to tell you. it's more funny than it is informative. as i said, it's good for a jumping off point for discussion. in terms of factual info, it's a complete dumpster fire.
  7. i never thought of being a team with scott! i think we could make this work. i could be the humor, and he could just continue being terrible.
  8. yeah...you're offended. you would have just glazed over my posts if it didn't bother you. it obviously does. you have thin skin, and that really isn't a good trait as you move into adulthood.
  9. the posters did but the mods...not so much. two mods hated me, the other two had senses of humor, so we were just fine. see the theme there coach? sense of humor. try it out instead of being a message board white night. not everyone in life is going to fit into your mold, so learn how to handle it. i have faith in you. you'll be fine.
  10. when will you change your screen name to coach tampon?
  11. my god. you really are soft. the internet isn't for everyone. if you can't take simple ribbing from posters, maybe you need to take a break. listen...if you want to be gullible enough to believe the op, have at it. sure these threads are fun for discussion, but give me a break. the op can't string a simple sentence together, and then pouts that he's going to take his ball home with him. a lot of the reaction he garnered is on him, and him alone. sack up a bit bud. with that weak disposition, i can't imagine you'll get very far in life.
  12. digmore anklespanker
  13. god...some people on this site are soft, and you're leading the bunch.
  14. i get this, but we've literally heard this the past few years, and yet the browns are still being the browns.
  15. you guys!
  16. why don't you guys check out my source...(pointing to my junk).
  17. why do i have a feeling dunkirk don has something to do with this.
  18. this thread is...well...fantastic.
  19. and a lot always seems to change from the end of the college football season to the draft.
  20. by close you mean inside, right?
  21. dave...i get where you're coming from, but you are being far too sensitive about this. no one attacked the op, and if he did get some ribbing, it was deserved for reasons that other posters have mentioned. the op's reactions made it worse, so he ran. not a big deal. the level to which people are taking this is absurd. !@#$ing idaho.
  22. exactly on your exactly about my exactly.
  23. the op being the most sensitive. i mean...come on. if you're going to post some inside info on a message board, you better be willing to take some criticism, as long as it's not an attack. it wasn't an attack, and the guy tells us he's leaving the board. sack up a bit big guy. it's the internet.
  24. exactly. if nothing else, it gets some good conversation going as another poster mentioned. part of this is on the op though. no so much the idea, but how they're laid out. if his thoughts were a bit better put together, it may seem more credible. either way, it's fun to think about.
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