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Everything posted by teef

  1. oh i know! i was trying to be funny, but i don't think it worked.
  2. i have it tattooed to the small of my back. you think that was the place/
  3. absolutely. the bills needed help, and i'm more than ok with that. we've been on the wrong side of the luck spectrum for so long, that i don't care how it happens. the teams and fans deserve this. this staff put the bills in position to go to the playoffs, we had help, and for the first time in forever we get to see a game in january. i know the op doesn't like mcd, and that's ok, but i'm not going to chalk this entire season up to luck. if he wants to, that's on him.
  4. you're complaining because the bills won a bunch of games closely. it happens. better teams come out on top. this year the bills are one of the better teams.
  5. you sound like sour grapes out personnel decision that were made. that's ok, but don't let your emotions cloud the fact that this staff did a pretty good job this year. i don't expect you to admit it, but they did. this team didn't need sammy to get to the playoffs. he's in a better situation, and so are the bills. time to move on. the bills just made the playoffs, and you have the nerve to spit out a koolaid comment. it's just who you are.
  6. oh yeah. suitcases on a bed in a dirty hotel room, surrounded by guys who barely speak english.
  7. was that from yesterday? the dude looks like he just walked out of an intense drug deal.
  8. What a bump. What a hot take. What a new year.
  9. Can we hug through the internet? I want to hug so bad right now.
  10. i think it depends on which system exclusive games you want. some games only are available on the xbox, other on ps4. i'm a console whore, so i have both. i don't even have a ton of time to play anymore, (pretty much when everyone is in bed) but i love getting new consoles. if it's basic versions of both, the ps4 is probably a bit more powerful. the xbox seems to be better as an entertainment system, and i've always felt the online play as a bit more on point. if you want to spend some money, get the xbox one x that considered the most powerful of all the systems. it's not really worth it unless you have a 4k tv though. either way i don't think you'll go wrong.
  11. i probably have my colleges mixed up.
  12. could we meet up anyway?
  13. in the early 90s, it was absolutely in olean. it was held at st. bonaventure. jim and all the superbowl guys were there. they even flew in warren moon as the special guest. i played football for mcquaid in rochester at the time.
  14. it was tough to watch. the run game is the one thing going for that team, and unless it was north and south, the run game just wasn't happening. bc could have won it, but they just made too many mistakes.
  15. this is exactly what i've done as well. when i took this place over, we started a safe harbor (i think i'm using this correctly) where everyone has 3% of their salary put into a 401k for them. it don't match anything, but they also don't have to contribute to get the 3%. i also set up a bonus system that if we break a certain goal for the month, they're given sums based on how much over the goal. i'm also pretty loose on when people take off, or take personal days. i just hate micromanaging. that being said, this office now runs itself. they take care of billing, filling my schedule, and just covering my ass. it's well worth the extra money i may pay out.
  16. i take the staff out to dinner and give them christmas bounues then. i've told my colleagues that it do it, and i get ripped on for doing so. i was even covering 100% of a few staffs medical ins. i making them pay 20% of it this coming year, and i was met with a lot of resistance. it's happening either way.
  17. when did you work the camp. i went years ago when i was in highschool in the early 90s. at that time it was in olean. we may have crossed paths don.
  18. any normally functioning human being could have conjured this up don.
  19. holy smokes!
  20. i have a feeling cutler is just going to roll over too, but what do i know. it's not out of this world to think the ravens will lose too. it could happen, but it is tough to have to depend on underdogs pulling off an upset. all the bills can do is win their game and let everything unfold. it's going to be an intense 4:15 to 7:30 run.
  21. i already did the joke where i ask if anyone want to know my sources, and i point to my junk...right? i know it's low hanging fruit, but i like to get it out of the way early.
  22. i just started playing this as it was on sale. it is so time consuming it's amazing. i'm Railers04 on xbox if anyone wants to add me.
  23. was that the colts game. i though luck would have a superbowl ring by now after watching that game.
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