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Everything posted by teef

  1. this was just what i was about to post. at this point i have to assume they'll just skirt around the question.
  2. i have a feeling there's going to be zero of anything interesting.
  3. what the hell is going on in here? do i have to turn this car around?
  4. i tend to although i know i shouldn't. it really depends on how they're "asking" for money. the pathetic guy who just sits there with a sign, not bothering anyone tends to get something. if someone comes up and asks me for money, they're not getting anything. i don't know why, but that's my system. have you ever had anyone get aggressive about asking for cash? i did at the walgreens on the corner of main and north in buffalo. some hardcore dude was hanging outside asking for money. i told him no, and started to walk back to my apartment. he started to follow me, screaming about how i was wearing nice clothes, (which wasn't really the case) so he was sure i had money on me. he started getting louder and louder and walking faster. just so happened that a cop car drove down the same street. the guy shut right up and turned around. i've also gotten into it with someone who did gas can in the hand, i ran out about a mile down the road and need help. that was my fault though. i was such an !@#$ to him from the get go. in my defense, who still tries that nonsense anymore?
  5. this is my hope. same with russell wilson. if i remember correctly, they used lynch to really carry the load, and wilson did just enough to grow and win games.
  6. there's certainly a formula to keep the bills competitive next year, which is mostly dependent on how they treat t he qb situation. if they decide to start a rookie qb, (which i don't think they want to do) the bills could take a step back.
  7. i could easily see this as well, but as long as it's part of the build for the future, so be it.
  8. an illusion? it looks like the front nose of the ball hits the ground. i may be wrong, but an illusion? that's like when my wife hit one of those construction barrels, and said the way in which they were set up created an optical illusion. it wasn't an illusion. again, i may be wrong.
  9. you also thought sammy watkins was an elite wr.
  10. in the second video, it looks like the ball hits the ground and bounces back into his body. i don't think it changes the outcome, but it sure looks like the ball hit the ground to me
  11. i don't either. that's by far the best view i've seen, and it's definitely not an interception. honestly...every review i saw it looked like a solid catch. you can't see the ball bounce against the ground?
  12. this is kind of his schtick. he builds up other teams on misinformation, and will down play anything the bills do that's positive. you would think that after how wrong he was with predictions this season, he might back off, but yet, here he is. there must be some level of amusement in it for him.
  13. that's just not the truth at all. jax won due to busted plays were bortles just took off. if i'm not mistaken, 3 of those plays alone were when the buffalo defenders over pursued, and just missed sacks. the bills weren't out coached at all. jax just has the better team right now, had home field advantage, and took advantage of bad qb play from buffalo. it's not at all what you are making it to be, and people can see right through it. this thread wasn't made for a quality football discussion. you just wanted to see pissed of responses. you've done it before, and have started again. again, why bother?
  14. your gut tends to be wrong...a lot. honestly though...what's the point in starting threads like this. is it really that much fun to get board members riled up? a number of people explained why your op was foolish, yet you still push on. are you bored with life?
  15. does this make you happy or something?
  16. superbowl? i think you better slow your roll!
  17. i wouldn't try to determine what's going to happen this draft based on what happened last draft. there were new coaches, and if i'm not mistaken, bean wasn't even hired yet.
  18. well of course it will look different because of cap room and picks. hence the breaking down year, and building up this off season. they definitely need to find a qb this offseason, but i don't know why you assume the bills would "settle" for keenum, and then not draft a qb. was this mentioned anywhere, or are you assuming?
  19. he's here for a year. i just don't agree with bringing in a guy who can make the offense work for one year. this is a long term plan. as i've said many time, this roster is going to look drastically different next year. this year was a break down, and this off season begins the build up. i don't think it's easy as you're making by saying just change things up next year so it works for the same qb. i suppose it depends on the system they want to run.
  20. scott, that decision on a qb is for the temporary. i think we all knew that. tyrod had to take a pay cut just to come back. to think he was part of a long term solution, and that you should build around him just isn't correct.
  21. says who? it's just as easily said that the best coaches put their systems in place, and bring in the players that can run that system. if a player falters, you can grab another. again, why would anyone adapt a system to tyrod? he's just too limited.
  22. agree with the bolded. i just don't think you go out and hire an oc that works with taylor. you hire a guy that runs the offense you want to run, and get the qb from there. i hate the idea of building anything around taylor, and i have a feeling this staff did too.
  23. oh man. i finally saw this, and i'm so sorry.
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