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Everything posted by teef

  1. i had a beer at a bar in boston with pete once. he may have been one of the biggest m!@#$s you've ever met. i heard rumors that he would often get drunk with college kids, go back to the dorms, get out of control, and get kicked out by security. edit: and oh yeah...bon jovi is dead to me.
  2. really? if anything, i've seen most posters mention that they realize beane hasn't done anything yet. why throw nonsense out there. i was so nice not having you be all postal angry on the board for a few weeks. you missed being pissed, didn't you?
  3. we have a pantry that we find him just hanging out in, shopping for anything at eye level. we had to move the food to the top shelves.
  4. labs are machines. i know a vet fairly well, and she told me that labs are their biggest money maker. our lab even ate one of those giant bottle of ibuprofen when he was a puppy. we gave him peroxide which made him puke, and rushed him to the vet. the vet let me know that it was more than likely that his kidneys would be damaged beyond repair, and even though he was under their care, they may check on him to find him passed away. after a couple of days in the hospital, he walked out of that place like a champ.
  5. i'm not purposely feeding him the food. he's more of a food ninja. you turn your head, and it's suddenly not there. there's not even any real noise either. the food is just gone.
  6. i grew up catholic, so i know how these things go down.
  7. no. no i don't. then again, i have a lab, and we have to stop that mother !@#$er from eating anything at head level. this past year, he ate 2 bags of double fudge milano cookies, (or something from the farm brand), a full apple pie that i accidentally left out, an entire plate of calamari, and countless dinners that we have made for our daughter. the last thing he needs is to lick the plates.
  8. i'm eating bread and chugging a bunch of red wine to help this along.
  9. wait...how should i feel here? i was feeling positive for making the playoffs, but i suppose that's over. i'll go back to being fearful of the future now.
  10. honestly...who the !@#$ would go to a place like that? you might get better treatment beating a rock against your face.
  11. no one who writes as wonderfully as you has a small, petty, fat life. i'm not buying it.
  12. i'm not even from buffalo, but this shows what a !@#$ face you are. i guarantee you many people on this board have a far better life than you could ever hope for.
  13. don't you think his attitude and work ethic led to some of this. i loved dareus too, but people are acting like he's a victim, which is complete nonsense. if the bills treated dareus like a nobody, they would never have given him that huge contract. they set him up to be wealthy, and in return expected a hard worker who would be a team leader. he wasn't either of those unfortunately, so tell me how he was treated like a nobody.
  14. i've always wondered this too. does one turn the other into a psycho, or do they both just stumble into each other?
  15. this is an interesting view. someone could say mcdermott wants hard working guys who are leaders and help elevate those around them with their play and attitude, but your way of saying it is cute.
  16. was it 2 years ago that we beat the jets to keep them out of the playoffs? that was one that sits fondly with me.
  17. he was given all the chances with the bills, and he just decided not to act like a professional. depending on someone's talent level, i suppose every coach has to put up with some level on nonsense, but i think marcel took it to another level. i was so excited to have dareus on this team, and i was proud of the bills giving him a contract to keep him around. dareus just let down the fans and the team. i hope he gets his act in order going forward, but i'm pretty skeptical.
  18. it didn't have to do only with his contract. it was his attitude combined with his actions combined with his production combined with his contract. to say it was just about his contract just isn't correct.
  19. typically you're roasted for the over the top nonsense you post, but whatever gets you through your day.
  20. exactly. i'm a huge dareus fan, but he wasn't exactly treated like garbage. 30? they allowed him to be late to 30 meetings?
  21. oh absolutely. we've just been on the receiving end on that so many times that my backside is sore. that would be spectacular, but i just can't get my hopes up.
  22. jax by far. my hope is that a NE loss would help that team begin to crumble just a bit. i don't think that will be the case, but that's what i'm hoping.
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