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Everything posted by teef

  1. He looks particularly stabby in this interview.
  2. Agreed. As long as Taylor is the bridge qb, I just can’t imagine there will be too much bickering. He’s an upgrade from what they had. The trade could work out well for everyone.
  3. That’s what I thought. There’s a number of out of town season ticket holders on here. I’m pretty sure Shaw lives in Connecticut, and he has tickets.
  4. Ok...that may cause me to break.
  5. this is good. all points are very valid. i think the question is completely absurd. i mean, if i wanted to rattle someone at a combine interview, why not play a series of film and bombard them with difficult questions. why a team would do it, i don't know. it just wouldn't outrage me on a personal level.
  6. or certain people just aren't bothered by a question. it completely depends on the personality and the question. i have an aunt that's been with her partner since 1983. she came out to us years ago, and has such a fantastic sense of humor about it. on the flip side, i have a gay brother in law. he's not someone i'd ever consider kidding around about it with.
  7. oh yeah. it's an absurd question. the main reason i'd kid around about it is mostly because it's how i handle awkward situations.
  8. #tonguelashing4eva this **** is deep.
  9. that's fair too. this is an opportunity to possibly get a bump in salary/position, so i'd be guarded with the overreaction. on the same note, i'm just someone who doesn't care. do you consider a verbal assault a real beating?
  10. you could, but to me it's an amazing waste of time and energy. i'd try to use it as an opportunity to show how questions wouldn't rattle me. i honestly wouldn't bat an eye at it. that said, again, i would never ask someone that question in an interview. how much cocaine have i done?
  11. that's the way to be. i wouldn't ask the question of anyone, but if someone asked me, i'd take it lightly, probably make a joke about it, and move on. i don't getting get up and walking out of the interview comments. just respond and move on.
  12. that's honestly how i go about dialogue. i have trouble making friends.
  13. now i'm hurt that you didn't like me before. not as hurt as if someone asked me if i was gay or if my mom was a hooker, but hurt.
  14. not me. i go straight for the real questions. teef: hi...it's nice to meet you. i'm teef. interviewee...hi. nice to meet you. teef: so...have you ever felt another man's testicles on your backside, or does you're mother accept money in return for sexual favors? just get it all out there. ya know?
  15. that's pretty much how i start every conversation with someone i'm meeting for the first time.
  16. i certainly understand the idea, and if you really could jump to 2, you'd at least have to give it consideration. i would just hate to lose dawkins. i think he's going to be a massively important part of this team moving forward. as badol mentioned, i think i'd rather give up the first next year instead.
  17. i bet if it got to know me, the nfl wouldn't hate me.
  18. what about ogie oglethorpe?
  19. you and me both. i don't even understand how they exist. we should hate applebees together.
  20. i hate that the draft is so late. why did they have to mess with the format? i loved the all day draft parties on saturdays.
  21. really scott? really? also, i don't need to wait to see what happens with the second. they got a high pick for a guy that would have likely walked. that's a win. if watkins went to another team this offseason, and the bills were left empty handed, you wouldn't have been able to stop talking about it.
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