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Everything posted by teef

  1. i love einstein. i've said it multiple times over the last few days. i think the board is way more colorful with posters like him on here. i just don't buy into the fact that he gets ***** on only because of the opinions of his posting. he's been condescending and down right insulting to other posters. when he gets it back in return, he cries foul and plays the victim. he's the kid in high school that always claimed to be bullied, but completely brought it on himself. that being said, i like it that he's here, and he knows that.
  2. it's very cute how some are trying to justify their insane reactions to initial renderings...like there's a double standard. not a single person blindly accepted anything. well...i've accepted there won't be a dome, but i'm looking forward to see what they done or haven't done before making decision about how it feel. we have posters like @Jrb1979 who doesn't like the new stadium because there won't be enough for his 5 year old to do. when i asked him what the stadium is missing for him and his kid, he couldn't answer. why? because he had no idea what was even going to be in the new stadium. not a clue, but it didn't stop the complaints. i think the "superior intelligence" thing is over. they guy spent, "hours" mathematically trying to prove a point, failed and fell right on his face. we didn't hear too much about his iq after that. oh stop it. you had posts deleted likely because they were obnoxious. i've had post deleted about that stadium as well. i was making fun of the adult tantrums, and the posts were removed. it wasn't because i wasn't a part of group think, it was because my post did nothing but annoy others and add nothing to the thread. it's amazing that some of us can realize that, and others play the victim. you're not the victim. chances are those post just sucked.
  3. Nonsense. You get called out for being ridiculous…nothing else. And there’s no double standard. Some posters decided to have full on tantrums, while the more reasonable people understood they were just looking at renderings, and even then not everyone was going to he completely pleased. That’s life. To watch you and a few other posters act the way you did was embarrassing.
  4. i listen depending who is on. if the interview is someone interesting, i'll keep it on. after the pandemic and everyone left the studio, it completely lacked something. it's really a podcast at this point. i did have howard 101 on recently, (i never listen to it) and they had a segment where sam kinison and jessica hahn were having a throw down argument. it was amazing radio.
  5. did you take the shuttle or park across the street? that's great. have her hook my up with some eggnog. i swear they put drugs in it.
  6. i've heard about baldur's gate, but know nothing about it. i just know it's wildly popular now, (is it on PC?) it all started with the atari 2600 for me, but the original nintendo console was my jam. also loved arcades, and i appreciate they're making a comeback. For the old arcade games, i've started buying the ones found here...https://arcade1up.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=13440850452&utm_content=126255333987&utm_term=arcade1up&tw_source=google&tw_adid=576851702295&gclid=Cj0KCQjwldKmBhCCARIsAP-0rfw74ic4EZ3azMOhIJi819D-wIVaWCv7NZ4Yv6XEQu-1S_PRSg6Dz38aArUiEALw_wcB a lot of classic games for a reasonable cost. i stuck a bunch in our basement, and our kids and their friends love them.
  7. my wife spends a shocking amount of time in wegmans, so she was able to get the last 2 sets. we'll see what happens on one of her multiple visits tomorrow.
  8. he was part of the few posters that had absolute meltdowns when the first renderings came out. no other info than the renderings at all, and some opinions were set in stone. i think most have pulled back once they saw that video. there was a lot of thought and consideration into building a billion dollar structure. not everyone was going to get exactly what they wanted, but that's the case with most builds for public use. to call this possibly one of the biggest blunders for nys is just too hard to take seriously. if anyone want to see an example of a bigger blunder, just look up the fast ferry out of rochester. i personally can't wait to watch football and have a beer in our new home.
  9. i think he needs to find a new angle. his stadium take is a little stale.
  10. it's the shape of many other stadiums. we get you think you're clever by calling it a toilet bowl, but it looks fine. we know there's no roof. you repeatedly told us it would take 300-400 more only to add a roof. the overages are already beyond that, so just move on from not having a roof. concerning being an only football facility...that's the way most stadiums are. it's been re-hashed multiple times on here that a dome wouldn't change that. you seem to think the bills are just overpaying for the sake of it. you don't think the cost of the titans new stadium won't skyrocket too? this isn't a massive blunder at all. it's a new stadium keeping the team in the area for year to come. it's just your perspective on it, and most of us know what that's worth.
  11. if you'd like to cling onto this...go nuts. i'm excited for the new stadium and i think it looks great. to say it will go down as one of nys biggest blunder in history is just foolish. come on...he's fun.
  12. sometimes it's good to know when a joke has run its course.
  13. kids day is truly a special moment. for many children, it will the first time an angry fan dumps a beer on them. it's referred to as the western ny baptism.
  14. i did the maid of the mist for the first time about two weeks ago. the canadian side isn't the maid of the mist anymore, but still the same boat ride. it is completely worth the price of admission. they take you so shockingly close to the falls. i had never been on it before, but if anyone is remotely close to the area, they have to go.
  15. I make it more when I sit down. That classic dad noise.
  16. we honestly may have to have a medical sub forum.
  17. well those too.
  18. it's from my posture at work. you know what makes it better? hugs.
  19. does anyone want to hear about my back pain? no? ok...
  20. i'm going to back up gabriels gate as well. i live a block up from it on north street, and probably went there 3-4 times a month. coulter bay around the corner had great food and booze too, (if it's still there).
  21. please people...let's not get into the education isn't worth it idea. learning in any capacity is always worth it. getting yourself into debt and not having a plan to get out is not worth it. if you're paying for a degree...have focus. i know it's hard for kids to know what they want to do, but if you're majoring in history, and don't have plans to go on...figure it out. same with philosophy, same with psych, etc. if what you want to do for a living doesn't require a degree, don't go to college for the sake of going. those days are over. the years of spending a 5th or 6th year in college should also be over. i'm 45 and as of now i still have about 55k in school dept. it was the best debt i've ever taken on, and i'd do it again in a heart beat.
  22. @Einstein...you're out. bruce is now my new favorite.
  23. i just want him to tell me i'm pretty.
  24. i didn't realize that. i've just started getting the cut wings at wegmans and cooking them at home. i roll them in vegetable oil, salt and chipotle seasoning and cook them in a pizza oven. it's a good mix of crispy and roasty.
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