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Everything posted by teef

  1. i'll donate...all over brazil's face!
  2. i mean...the lady in naples who makes those grape pies is pretty badass, but otherwise...man up and have a cannoli.
  3. why do pies outside of thanksgiving make me angry?
  4. is this the equivalent of someone's mom telling them they're handsome?
  5. if it was synthetic weed, why would he bother? it's my understanding that the league doesn't test you until june-ish, and as long as you're not in the program, they don't test you again all year.
  6. what ever happened to just sniffing glue?
  7. i know...right? why does everyone have to put labels on it. is it gay for two guys to have a bunch of drinks, followed up by angry sex in the back of a jeep? don't push your definitions on me.
  8. i've hung out with some guys from the bbmb. i'm actually meeting one for beers tomorrow. my wife just lets me know that she assumes i'm having a homosexual affair. nailed it.
  9. i think you're both right here.
  10. will you buy me a car?
  11. i'm hanging out with likei've this thursday. you jealous? and dont' even start with cars. i'm shopping for one now, and hate every second of it.
  12. this was exactly their view point. even though it's a business, certain players do get priority treatment over others, and with his time on the team, mercedes should have been one. you have to assume they had a good idea that he was going to be let go. why not earlier? marrone is a solid coach, but i think we can all agree that the guy is a bit off.
  13. according to nfl radio, he was pretty upset at the jags for releasing him so late, and the way it went down in general.
  14. yeah...who it is kinda bums me out.
  15. happy birfday!
  16. it was totally my move the buy the "previous" year model that hasn't been driven yet. they can't wait to get them off the lot, and will usually give a big incentive. when i've looked at the dealers so far, they really don't seem to have any 2017s. i'll do a larger look, but since i'm going to have this year for the next 8 years or so, i'm likely going with a 2018. part of the problem is that i'm still between 3-4 cars. it's really down to two, but once i'm done the test drives, i have to make a decision so i can start doing a wide net search. i'll drive a couple of hours too to get a good deal. my last car i had to go to penn yan, (an hour and 15 away) and did all negotiations online. well worth it. after this weekend i should have a pretty good idea where i stand.
  17. this is a pretty good theory actually.
  18. the level of tech in the cars is through the roof. it's to the point where i would expect something to go wrong. i'm buying in the next month, so i think with my timing, i'm going to have to be ready to pony up for the style/options i want. i've emailed a couple of dealers to let them know what i'm looking for, but they don't seem to interested until i come in an test drive first. that will by tomorrow and saturday.
  19. oh yeah. i'd do stuff to her face.
  20. that's why you should be impressed. the team was less talented, and managed to make the playoffs. say what you want about backing in...this team hasn't been able to back into anything in the last 18 years.
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