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Everything posted by teef

  1. this was an appropriate reaction.
  2. this team is dead to me.
  3. this is good. this is real good.
  4. holy ****. there was another case within the last few years where one of the tech was somehow substituting his sperm for the father's. i think he had at least dozens of kids this way.
  5. this is what happens to me, and at this point i almost never go back to watch it. i just can't stay awake past the first half.
  6. that actually is still pretty traditional.
  7. illinois...that's just not true anymore. not that the housing is expensive, but 300 will get you nothing close to an estate on many acres. just for the average suburbs of rochester, 300k might get you in the area of 2500 sq ft on .5-1 acres. i think people wildly under estimate what you will pay for property here. the school taxes are brutal, and we don't even live in pittsford or brighton, (where the nations best schools are). i think we pay around 14k a year. good schools, but 14k?
  8. i'll appeal this year because there's zero reason this state takes from us what it does. in monroe county, we have one of the highest tax rats in the country. to give you an idea, my monthly tax payment is a bit more than my principal and interest combined. that's why i pay more on principal. we put a lot down on the house too. it's mostly due to the schools, but there's no way this poorly run state can justify it to me.
  9. Although I don't attend masses on the regular, there's a church like this in rochester. I think they refer to themselves as the "new catholic" church. they're aren't recognized by the vatican because they go against the traditional teachings. for example, they welcome everyone to accept communion...you don't have to be catholic or have had the sacrament. they just want you to recognize the importance of it. they allow women priests and really are accepting to everyone. my aunt is gay, and has been with her partner since 1983. they were finally married in front of the church a few years ago in a more traditional catholic ceremony. the place erupted with applause when it was done. it's the only church in the area i'd consider being a part of. as you mentioned, they have no specific site, but rent an old music school and other building to hold masses. edit: there's music, but not a real band, and the priests still wear a more traditional garb.
  10. we're definitely going to be doing that type of education mostly, but i would like to at least expose them to something spiritual. They'll likely go to the catholic high schools, not because of the religious aspect, but rather the education.
  11. i think it's done. i was raised italian catholic. my uncle is a priest, and in the neighborhood they grew up in, it was like being a rock star. on occasion i run into people where my mom is from, and they still remember my uncle. i went to 16 years of catholic school, 9 of which were by the jesuits. i chose my college, so it wasn't forced on me at that point, and on top of that...the college never pushed it. i think between the scandals and older philosophies, the old school stuff is over. my uncle is in his 80s, and even he has a pretty liberal view towards the church at this point. we're not even church goers anymore, and we're struggling a bit to figure out how to teach our daughter some kind of faith. i'm just not into it at this point in my life.
  12. exactly. we bought our house almost 3 years ago now, and i put an additional principal payment into every mortgage payment i send it. i want this sucker paid of quickly, but even when that happens, i'll still have a large monthly tax bill to pay off.
  13. i don't know if i'm willing to call it a little more chump change. my property taxes are gross, and i just received a letter in the mail that they some how determine that my house went up about 20 grand in value.
  14. the summers for me might be my favorite thing. i lived downtown on north st when i was in grad school. i could walk to coles, garbriel's gate, colter bay, etc. the entire elmwood area is a blast that time of year. as much as i disliked school at the time, i have very fond memories of buffalo summers.
  15. Depends...what are you up to later?
  16. i think this is a very realistic take.
  17. i'd charge her $1000 a month for sex.
  18. thanks man! you're a tough nut that i'm going to crack scott. it's going to happen.
  19. i don't have enough man in me to be more like blokes.
  20. thinking small bro! i'm shooting for the superbowl!
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