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Everything posted by teef

  1. you and me both. i don't even understand how they exist. we should hate applebees together.
  2. i hate that the draft is so late. why did they have to mess with the format? i loved the all day draft parties on saturdays.
  3. really scott? really? also, i don't need to wait to see what happens with the second. they got a high pick for a guy that would have likely walked. that's a win. if watkins went to another team this offseason, and the bills were left empty handed, you wouldn't have been able to stop talking about it.
  4. i think you and i know that's not how our scotty works. why wait when you can complain right now!
  5. none of this still justifies how much unnecessary complaining you did. it funny that you want to see how mcd pans out at as a coach , yet you want to bash every move this team makes the moment it happens. bit of a double standard.
  6. no. that was the one. i think the snow started at around 2-3 pm. if you weren't home by then, you were completely screwed. i lived on north st down by garbriel's gate, and had classes at the south campus. i got about half way home, said !@#$ it, and hike the rest of the way.
  7. i had this happen when i lived in buffalo. i think it was like 2002. it was such a quick, severe storm, that traffic had no where to go. i parked and just hiked home. the next day went back to my car to see if there was any improvement, and people were still sleeping in their cars.
  8. nah. it's not a matter of win or lose, but rather was the trade worth it. it's my opinion, but i think there was zero chance sammy was coming back. the bills felt the same, so they got something of worth for him instead of just letting him walk. the bills got a second. there's value there no matter what. you, like some other posters cried and beat their chest like it would destroy the bills season. it didn't. the bills made the playoffs without him. were the wrs great? not at all, but losing sammy just wasn't that damaging. and who cares what sammy is paid by another team? there's always a team that will overpay for services. it doesn't make sammy an all star. he's been under productive and unimpressive during his time in the league. his new salary doesn't change this. you made us listen to cry about the losses of sammy, mike gillislee, and even kouandjio. how about in the future, you take a step back, curb the bitching, and just see how everything plays out. we heard you mention time and time again about how this staff doesn't know what their doing, about how the pegulas are clueless, etc. this team went to the playoffs. you were wrong, and you're not big enough to admit it.
  9. ya know...i just can't get into ben affleck either. not that he's a bad actor, but i'm very meh towards him. as long as i continue to live in the grossness of this state, i think those jokes still count. you just have to find a way to liven them up.
  10. i think you're trying very hard to justify the hours and hours of complaining you put us through.
  11. guys...am i angry about this? give me a heads up here.
  12. I saw half of this Sunday until I got called away. It’s the first thing I’m going to watch tonight. Loved the first half. Im sure it’s been mentioned already, but I really enjoyed the first season of The Mist.
  13. i'm in complete agreement here...concerning both applebees and cousins. if cousins was a chain restaurant, which would he be? maybe unos?
  14. there's a car wash chain around here that runs a promotion that if you buy 3 washes, you get a free meal at applebees. you know a place is amazing when you get free meals there for car washes. cousins could have a super clean car, and have his hunger satisfied.
  15. they're in the same terrible ballpark as people from wny who live half an hour from a city, and act all country.
  16. eh. i was always of the thought that it was very, very unlikely that sammy would be back this year, so i was more than fine getting a second and a player. in my mind, getting anything is a win for this team.
  17. my last house in webster was right in that area. we lived right off bay and lake. i loved it when that bridge was down, because we could run over and grab beers at shamrock jacks. i haven't been back since we moved. what was that steakhouse they tried to open in the village? was it prime? that place was destined for failure. my wife and i went to dinner there on a friday night at round 7:30-8. it was an entirely open restaurant, with one other table taken. we figured after dinner that we would have a drink at the bar and pass some time. there was one other older couple at the bar. after talking with them, we found out they were the bartender's parents, and they were just there to say hi. on a friday night, they had 4 paying customers. ehhhhh. not that bad.
  18. i would do it in a second, but as bojanglezs mentioned, i don't think that would be enough.
  19. you're a terrible person. bay hots was our jam. it got the the point where the woman who ran the front knew who we were.
  20. i haven't had a plate from there, but perinton hots is right by me. i'll have to give it a whirl. i did have a garbage place wrap at empire grill recently. it was fantastic.
  21. i've never had the charlie's plate, but in general, that place is the absolute best. i grew up in webster, so i preferred bay and empire hots. empire is probably my favorite, but my god there were so many late night fights in that place.
  22. the thing with plates is that there's so many local versions of the same thing. i haven't had an actual tahou's place in probably 20 years. some are better than others, but i'm not going super out of my way just for nicks.
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