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Everything posted by teef

  1. it just must be how fedex works. we've noticed that on our street, we'll see fedex stop at house, deliver a package, leave, and a while later come back to deliver a package two doors down. same truck and same driver. i think they farm out quite a bit of work as well. our dog as going nuts barking so i looked out of my office, and saw some sketch ball dropping off a package. older guy, ragged looking, no uniform. i had no idea what it was about, so when i got up to look, the guy drove away in a busted truck with a magnetic fedex sign on it. as a poster earlier mentioned, it's just their logistics. on another note, our standard mail carrier, (who was a super nice guy) was just arrested for blowing coke in the back of his truck, and stealing gift cards from the mail. had him on camera and everything.
  2. maybe he had a reaction to amoxicillin?
  3. yes...i watch.
  4. I don’t anyone is saying his will or won’t happen. I just don’t think many agree with you that if Allen isn’t starting by game 4, he’s no the guy. Those are two very different things.
  5. If they think he can be the qb for years to come, yes they should have.
  6. i'm not sure i agree with this at all. if aj plays well, and allen stays on the bench for a while, i don't think this speaks bad of the future for allen.
  7. they're not short, but if you spend a lot of time in your car, the berenstain bears on audio book is just wonderful.
  8. He now plays for the bills...so yes. Boom
  9. holy cow. i just wanted to watch a min to see if it was worth it, but i almost got through the entire thing. it was really good.
  10. now i'm concerned about the erie county executive being a little B word.
  11. that's right. pointing to my junk and everything.
  12. i had a friend who was a pharma rep that went through something generically similar. he began documenting everything while keeping quite about it. over the course of months he gathered quite a bit of info, went to human resources, and essentially let them know that they were creating a hostile work environment, and wanted something done. within a few weeks the other co-worker was let go. for full disclosure, my friend was also let go, but it was a part of large cuts being made. still...i'm sure his making a stink didn't help his cause. i'd still gather info/evidence on this guy.
  13. i like your penis. i mean...this is where we were going with this. right?
  14. it sure is.
  15. if fans can sue for getting too many texts, this one should be in the bag.
  16. that's where i'm at with it. i just don't care.
  17. Italians don’t live in Idaho. Sorry.
  18. I’m on my phone. Don’t let it scare you.
  19. I’d rather eat out of the Applebee’s dumpster than inside the actual restaurant.
  20. You’re a real trouble maker in this thread.
  21. i don't know if this factors into the equation, but he media loves the camp in rochester as well. they always seem to love the stay and have very positive comments on how it's run, the immediate area, restaurants, etc. peter king is typically pretty giddy when he does his write ups post rochester. i think it's just a well done camp. that being said, every year or two i'll go down for a visit, stay for an hour, and wonder why i go considering how bored i am.
  22. this is when you know you're dealing with awesome.
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