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Everything posted by teef

  1. i think all of the big country acts are in demand. they have a bunch every summer at the cmac in canandaigua, and as far as i know they always sell out. a couple of the guys linger in the area for a day or two as well. i just love the stories about the hardcore drunkness. i get all concerns have their issues, but the country shows are next level.
  2. is this the shortest post you've ever made?
  3. i have not, but one of the guys in my wedding did some time in a federal prison. i'm not sure who they are in relation to state prisons, but he did ok. of course i had to ask about what goes down. he said that by and large, everyone just leaves you alone. fights and attacks are often coordinated and are a result of a specific inmate issues, gangs, drugs, etc. he made it seem that if you kept to yourself, you'd be ok. he never was aware of a rape when he was there, but he was aware of it happening, and again, it was typically a retaliation for gang activity/drugs. apparently there were more than enough guys who were willing to hook up, so rape wasn't typically just for gratification. i also asked whether pedophiles really get the brunt of it, and he thought for the most part no, as long as they were low key. he claimed they mostly hung out with each other and did their own thing. he did see someone attacked with the top of a tuna can, but otherwise he said it wasn't that bad. i'm sure i'm leaving out a ton as i haven't seen him in a long time, but he was my go to guy with prison stories. one of my roommates in college was from san diego, so he and his friends would regularly go to tijuana to party. he said the same thing. the cops messed with them all the time, and they would have to find random cash or CDs in the car to hand over.
  4. every day is a victory lap! good for you.
  5. so...you still saying stupid ***** on twitter?
  6. but then what will we have?!
  7. no...i speak for everyone in our area. we just tend to be a bit shiner than that old, dusty wny. also...did you really lump gates in there like no one would notice? you people are killing me.
  8. i'm not sure she even exists.
  9. was kim pegula really at that practice?
  10. the new stadium has no roof. if they built in rochester, it would have a roof. we a bit too high class to sit outside in the lousy elements.
  11. isn't it wonderful? everyday is an adventure!
  12. we know that...they don't. we don't even want to be in the wny region anymore. we're just too good.
  13. was i incorrect about tooth decay bringing out the worst in people? honestly...what the ***** are you talking about?
  14. Tooth decay brings out the worst in people.
  15. Notice how this never happens in Rochester…ever.
  16. yeeeesssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have you met @Einsteinyet? you two are going to be great friends. jesus... @Billsfan1972can't get back soon enough.
  17. maniac mansion was the absolute business! the same creators made a game called thimbleweed park. very much in the same design and a ton of fun. https://arcade1up.com/collections/trending-now/products/nba-jam-shaq-edition-arcade-machine this could be right in your home.
  18. there's never any money in being a stunt penis.
  19. i certainly don't think it has the same appeal it did years ago, but they still crank that nonsense out. it even got a bit hipster has barbie can have the van lifestyle now.
  20. my daughter is 8 and she had tons of barbies. we went to our friends house who has 4 girls under 7 years old, and there were barbies everywhere.
  21. this is why i don't let people make movies about me.
  22. The season is over.
  23. I lost a bet.
  24. Yeah. There were a lot of strange posts concerning Kim showing up to camp. Another poster had a tirade about how it was all a set up and not to believe what you see in tv. It was quickly deleted. It’s not your opinion. It’s how you decided to treat people. It’s amazing how some posters completely lack self awareness.
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