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Everything posted by teef

  1. that guy looks like he has his act in order.
  2. I've always wanted to see primus. they've come to the area before, but i always seem to miss them. I've never heard mastodon, but some of the guys are from the rochester area, and i know some of the family quite well. l've always wanted to see david byrne.
  3. is it me, or does the whole 4.89 grade point average make people want to punch walls? i get it, but god it's dumb.
  4. this is outstanding. what i've seen though is the newer, "hippies" are still at least financially tied to their parents. they still request money, still use their car, still expect to get bailed out, etc. i don't have first hand experience with the old school hippies, but i just feel the new generation is trying hard to live that bohemian lifestyle while still being far too dependent. yeah...this kid is useless. it's definitely the fault of the parents in a large part. i have a feeling they could have dealt with this years ago. i know it's easy to be at home, but don't most kids want their freedom from mom and dad. with my first apartment, i was just so excited that i could bring girls home without the nonsense waiting until the parents were asleep, being quiet etc. i loved being on my own.
  5. i swear this was the first thing that came to mind.
  6. what awful world do you live in?
  7. completely agree. you start who is most ready, able and capable to play.
  8. why in the world would they just outright release him?
  9. i wish my kid, (soon to be kids) were oops babies. it would have saved me tens of thousands of dollars.
  10. maybe that's who brandon was having the affair with. cogs just couldn't get himself to walk away.
  11. i don't eat beef n cheddars unless they come in multiple of fives.
  12. i mean, he could have refused the pay cut. no one had a gun to his head.
  13. i've decided not to discuss this anymore...other than letting people know that i won't discuss this anymore.
  14. not for asians.
  15. i lived directly up the block from gabriel's gate on north street, and completely agree about the wings. all the food there was fantastic. they also have a bad ass fish fry.
  16. i heard this minutes ago, and couldn't figure out how anyone could hear anything but yanny. how the !@#$ does this happen?
  17. good thing they have safe spaces at st. john fisher.
  18. there actually was in the wny area years ago, (it may have been specific to rochester). my cousin was an owner/player. it was awful.
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