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Everything posted by teef

  1. He’s doing it! Someone screen shot this sucker. Every year…
  2. this is true. wasn't he supposed to be exiled to serbia, but no one ever actually had knowledge of him there? i thought he was missing and that was it.
  3. i honestly thought he was dead already.
  4. you could really pull a number of posts like this to prove your point. if at some point in the season miami and the bills have a similar record, (which is likely) you know were going to hear his miami hype. how many years in a row has he done this to be proven wrong. it's always a schtick with him.
  5. i think i absolutely would have taken the financial break for tuition. if he can check that box you check it...especially in grad programs. and as strange as this sounds, i'd be far more likely to throw a few bucks to kids on spring break to have a beer than the girl going to college. i don't know why, but one strikes me as more innocent.
  6. it's funny. as soon as i saw that my first instinct was to mess with that girl, but ultimately it would just be a waste of time.
  7. and that's not even the most ridiculous thing he posted. every year with his predictions, and every single year he ends up being wildly wrong. you'd think he'd change the approach, but some have more trouble learning than others.
  8. i saw a young girl on her way to college this weekend. how did i know she was on her way to college? she had it written on the back window. it was written that she was driving x number of miles (i think it was over 1200) to go to school, which i'd guess was syracuse based on the orange drawn in and she was heading east on the 90. also written down was her venmo so you could send her money to help. that was gross. she is a young girl driving a new kia, going to a good school. to ask others for money is tacky. i don't know if her parents saw that before she left, but as a dad i would have no part of that.
  9. this morning they were speculating miami. i don't know if it was a rumor or just a scenario they were throwing out, but that would annoy the ***** out of me.
  10. this ***** place...
  11. it's not a real game until a kid get a beer dumped on them.
  12. No one? No one at all? I know this is lame, but someone has to do it… Super Bowl!
  13. So is being miserable over a sport.
  14. you leave as the number pick when you can. that's what i would do at least.
  15. you're into it and i completely get it. i just had years where the bills did bother me, so i've just refused to let it continue to do so. not that i don't get frustrated with this team...how could you not after the last 2 playoff loses? i'm just looking to see how this year plays out. if they let us down, so be it. i won't take it personally, but i think i'll finally be ready for change.
  16. well no. i don't take it personally at all. why would you? you have no input, no control, and no say in what happens. it doesn't represent you as a person in any way, so no...i can't bring itself to take it personally. to let a football team do that just doesn't seem right. i completely get getting mad. we've all been there. accountability is more of a gray area to me. we all wanted it after a loss, but meltdown on a message board doesn't seem productive to me. i get the discussion and looking for solutions, but some have straight up adult tantrums, and hide behind wanting accountability. not saying you, but there's a group. people can cope any way they want. some will just look like #######s doing it.
  17. wha? well, i like to be entertained, and winning is more entertaining that losing, so i think it's reasonable to say that most people want to win, and not just you. i get it. this is a weird poll to justify over the top whining or to determine what kind of fan we really are. i think this is trying a bit too much, but that's just me.
  18. this is really a terrible poll. i want to be entertained, win and win a super bowl. i don't know why they have to be divided up. i'm at the point in my life where if the bills are playing terrible and i'm not entertained, i'll just move on for the game and wait for the next week. fortunately we haven't had many games like this lately, but this poll...
  19. i haven't had a chance to watch the game yet, and now i'm not sure i even will. so...who has been the most angry?
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