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Everything posted by teef

  1. in rochester we're ***** classy.
  2. if anyone brings up some type of non-alcoholic punch, i'm going to lose my *****.
  3. oh there must have been litter somewhere else, but the lion's share was all over her side. he must have had it in his paws and slept on the bed, but we also have scenarios where the cat did it on purpose.
  4. it's gotten to the point where we're not sure if we're accidentally revising the story, but i specifically remember her climbing into bed and stating it feels, "gritty". i didn't feel a thing on my side. sure enough when we looked, there were grains of litter all over her side. We looked around the floor and found nothing. it was a hit job that started a very heated relationship between the two. the cat is 19 and my wife can't wait for him to die.
  5. when my now wife moved into my house years ago, she and the cat did not get along. the cat manage to dump and insane amount of litter, only on her side of the bed. it's wasn't on the floor anywhere, it wasn't on my side...just hers. she still brings it up.
  6. i'd have to package the proposal in a certain way, but i think i could get her to buy in. exactly. just like how cats gravitate towards a litter box.
  7. why do we all know to do this with that specific cracker? i haven't had spray cheese in years, but the last time i did it was with these crackers.
  8. we're earners in this family.
  9. on occasion my wife gets slimed, (in a good way).
  10. at the 1:45 mark...mckelvin sings 9 ladies dancing to the tune of 5 golden rings.
  11. you've been a big contributor in this threat @Billsfan1972
  12. meh. the bills are floating somewhere in that top 5.
  13. i've actually thought about this but have never brought it up. i'm not sure what they'd choose. the majority of the cost of the night is the bonuses. if we saved the on dinner everyone may get a couple of hundred more. it would be the price of a nice dinner out, and i think everyone enjoys the night so much, they'd likely keep the dinner.
  14. absolutely. taking away something an employee was already given is a very tricky. i would never do that unless it was necessary to the business. my staff is great. the clinicians we have are great taking care of what they have to, and the rest of the staff is amazing. i never have to manage anything other than my actually work. on top of that, we've grown considerably over the last 5-6 years, so not to share in that would be grimy. without my staff my work life would be so much more difficult.
  15. this was my guess well. he was a pretty active poster, and suddenly stopped. i remember looking for him, and he disappeared right around march of 2020 when the world shut down. never saw a single post after that. i knew he was a big guy, so i assumed covid may have done him in. for him to suddenly disappear wasn't like him.
  16. i think ours is looked forward to every year and is pretty standard. i take the office out to dinner, along with their spouses. they choose where so we switch it up yearly. i think i'm taking 14-16 people out this weekend. dinner, drink and i hand out bonuses. the staff always get something nice for me as well. Most of us have know each other a very long time, so there's no pressure with random small talk unless you're the new boyfriend or employee. i enjoy doing it for everyone, but it's getting very expensive.
  17. i'm sorry to hear this drac. i have a 19 year old cat that was with me before i met my wife. he's been there for every major adult life hurdle, and for that i will be forever grateful. all you can do is show that animal love until the end which is exactly what you did.
  18. you guys get gifts?
  19. i'm going to take this a step further. our elves gave our kids buffalo bills squishmellows. it's billy buffalo with a bills logo on the stomach. the elves told them it was good luck for game day. those little ***** screwed the entire thing up.
  20. there's joking around, and then there's trying to hurt. i think we all know what this is.
  21. not really. i still think that he is a very good coach that needs to win a sb with this crew.
  22. this mother ***** better not retire at halftime.
  23. boston college...because i went there. sigh.
  24. she seems nice.
  25. so...is this something we have to do every week now?
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