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Everything posted by teef

  1. I don’t think it’s an attitude/health/mentality issue at this point. As gunner mentioned, it’s just figuring out what to do with the offense. While certainly not perfect, I have more confidence in the defense.
  2. if my house was on fire, i'd stay at practice! that's how committed i am.
  3. if players are healthy and ready to go, they'll play. unless there's absolutely nothing to play for, everyone plays.
  4. birds aren't real.
  5. this ***** place...
  6. i check on this thread every so often, and it makes me shockingly happy.
  7. i've chosen to move on from this. it wasn't hard at all.
  8. a couple of hours ago, i had sirius nfl on. of course i caught the tail end of it, but said someone was out besides chubb. the cb?
  9. for what it's worth, i have no idea what to expect with this game. does super hero josh show up, or is it the bills offense of the last two weeks. i don't even have a hunch about this game.
  10. i certainly don't think it will be an easy game, and say what you want about road wins...the bills tend to have the phins number. road or at home. i just enjoy you squirm at how the miami could blow this yet again this year. lose on sunday, and the phins will be one and done in the playoffs. it just comes down to what bills team shows up this sunday.
  11. god...you are so scared about sunday night. this is perfect.
  12. oh me too. this is a mini playoff game.
  13. i felt this year was a get into the playoffs and show me what you can do type year. that hasn't changed. win sunday, get into the playoffs, and show me what's different from the previous year's playoff appearances.
  14. Happy birfday! Happy birfday too!
  15. @Royale with Cheese is going to get a heaping batch of new england man chowder.
  16. oh...sorry man.
  17. i'm here for you. shirtless of course.
  18. trying far too hard again!
  19. now this is a post that has fear written all over it. way to play your hand spanky.
  20. I was just giving you a tough time. You’re not wrong. This team isn’t exactly trustworthy, but I’m in the just get into the playoffs and figure it out mode. If the bills can win 5 straight, (including Dallas, kc, and the phins) going into the playoffs, they’ll finally be trending upwards at the right time. Whatever happens happens.
  21. Why do you think he wants to ruin everyone’s Christmas?
  22. You scared of being successful bro? You scared?!?!?!
  23. The team didn’t play well at all yesterday, which many posters thought it was a real possibility. Big win the previous week, a short week, flying west, etc. no one is making excuses, but games like this happen. I take a win lucky or otherwise at this point. There’s no other choice. I’m not sure why someone would gripe out it.
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