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Everything posted by teef

  1. i saw the clip where it was trolling the drives of golfers. that thing is very cool.
  2. i don't like to make generalizations, but i think the hard core wrestling dads are the worst. i know too many who are living through their kids. Constantly in tournaments, worry about ranking of kids 8 and under, fighting/arguing with other parents, etc. the worst is making kids that young suck weight. i can name a few people that don't allow their kids to eat just to keep in class. that's ***** gross. one dad makes his kid practice everyday after school, and will make him run laps if the practice isn't on point. the kid is 6 and his dad never wrestled a day in his life.
  3. i had no idea they actually monitored this until recently, but it makes sense. my friend has a ram trx, and his plate is BASMF with a number, (maybe BAMF with a number). he didn't know if it would go through, and that's when i learned this was a thing.
  4. The guy looks awful for 53.
  5. wow. this is a really great heads up. i'll likely get another large dog at some point, and this is something i'll bring up to the vet.
  6. i'm willing to be this makes up a sizable portion of the homeless community.
  7. as my best friend explained to me long ago, you always spend a little more on things like tools and appliances. you'll be more disappointed that you didn't rather than disappointed that you did.
  8. You’re not good at things…are you?
  9. we sure know it's not going to be miami getting in the way...amiright?
  10. ehhh. stories like this are really sad.
  11. i'm in. i watch the game to have fun, and even in the darkest years i was optimistic that something finally might change at the start of every new season. who knows...may be this will finally be the year where everything just clicks. wouldn't that just be delightful?
  12. this ***** guy!
  13. the acl issue is such a pain for larger dogs. my dog never has really had any medical issues except for the acl. he tore on back leg 4-5 years ago. at that time they said they seem me back in a couple of years for the other leg. sure enough, two years later while my dog was running towards me when i got home, i watched him tear the other. the surgeries went well and healed perfectly, but i think i was 9-10k deep after that. my wife was pissy about it, and i let he know that i'd pay for the surgery for that dog before i paid for hers.
  14. i'm there with ya. i would have no idea how to manage a family member with possible delusions.
  15. doesn't involuntary commitment only come when someone is a potential harm to themselves/others? i'm not sure if here's there yet, but this is the first time i was made aware of any of this.
  16. there's a lot of dog chatter from you today. did you get new dogs?
  17. so...is this thread just a flex for people who want us to know they won't be watching the super bowl, (even though we know they will).
  18. i don't know. i've been feeding my dog blue buffalo food in the green bag, and he's going to be 13 next week. i try to keep it simple.
  19. I honestly had no idea this was the case.
  20. yes...of course. it's the super bowl. i'm not excited about it in the least with these two teams, but i always appreciate the production value, fanfare, etc. it's one more thing to look forward to in another gray winter. we'll end up making drinks and appetizers. the kids get riled up. it's not about the teams for me this year.
  21. sorry scott. i really am.
  22. we don't have that problem in rochester with the majestic lake ontario.
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