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Everything posted by teef

  1. there's a lot of really good points in this thread. my first thought was neuropathy as well, but the question will be the source. I'm sure if it would be obvious, but has she ever had shingles? i know two people that have long lasting neuropathy from the virus, but it's unilateral and in the area of the break out. one of the women is in her 80, and she's tried multiple pain clinics, meds and thc. nothing has worked, and she's just reserved to having this pain for the rest of her life. Any history of fibromyalgia?
  2. fans that can't handle the crowds at games are soft. are there fans that will ruin the experience for you? sure, but it's few and far between. if it's that much of a concern, spend more money and sit in upgraded seats. not going to a game because of what happens in a parking lot is soft.
  3. i would prefer wr just because of the need over the past few seasons, but i'm of the group that wants the bpa within a few positions, (dl and s).
  4. i hear cell phones are a big thing now too.
  5. i'd prefer he sexually overpowers him, but that's just me.
  6. far too many bills fans attach their self worth to the success of this team, hence the childlike meltdowns and name calling when something doesn't go their way.
  7. Says the Miami fan.
  8. i get ya, but you just seem like someone who would be muscular. am i in the ballpark here?
  9. you seem like a pretty tough dude.
  10. His morals went corrupt the moment he stepped off the Boston College campus.
  11. nailed it. i more or less appreciate mahomes, but last week i saw a graphic of him wearing a crown, cape, and holding a scepter. i wanted to smash my tv.
  12. i bet everyone in this tread is threatened by my youth.
  13. i'm into the streaming as well. i'm someone who still has cable, a few free and a few paid streaming. i have to clean it up because i have a strong feeling i'm paying far more than i need to.
  14. ya know...i didn't. i think about it on the regular. my wife is covered for a few years, but i still don't like the idea.
  15. i've decided to have more kids so i can use their names and birthdays as passwords.
  16. I thought the aau basket ball was somewhat intense in terms of competitiveness, but I don’t know how busy the schedule is. 85 baseball games in 2 months is insane. I’ve been to everyone of my kids events, but I just couldn’t do that. just have them try everything. my son is starting the school of rock this week where they introduce them to a few instruments and see what they like. as long as he doesn’t choose something like the harp, I’m in.
  17. it's still that way now. for most of the bigger schools in our area, if you're not on a full year travel team, you're not going to make the varsity high school team. we had a dad in our office last spring, and when i asked him what was new, he led with his son making the varsity baseball team. he looked me right in the eye, with no real excitement and said, "you have no idea what a big deal it is." completely burned out. i do know what you mean about the camaraderie. the hockey parents do seem to have a great time even though they're gone almost every weekend. my kids are 8 and 5, so we are at the low pressure phase of introducing them to sports. i really don't care what they do, but they have to be involved in something...sports, drama, art, music, anything. they just can't sit on their asses and not evolve in some way.
  18. yeah...i think there's a level of dedication and discipline that most high school kids didn't want to deal with. it's a tough sport.
  19. i think gymnastics may be the girl version. my daughter did it for a few years when she was younger, just mostly for fun. there's a point where you have to get serious or get out. we're talking a practice or two a week to 4-5 days a week, travel tournaments, never ending seasons, etc. unless my kids shows some wild talent, this just isn't going to happen. even cheerleading has become a full time gig. i'm about 99.9999999% sure my kids will never go on to play division 1 anything, so we see sports as character builders and getting some exercise. it's much more enjoyable.
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