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Everything posted by teef

  1. they actually mentioned 500k tourists, which i have a very hard time believing. there are signs all over the expressway telling people to expect, "extreme" delays and traffic on monday. a couple of counties are in a state of emergency. what's interesting is that they don't want a lot of people on the road, yet every single business is having an event to celebrate the day. i don't plan on leaving the house after 12pm.
  2. why go to buffalo when you can be in the zone of totality in the rochester area? the closer it gets, the more curious i am. we closed the office for the day, so it's going to be some day drinking and grilling. it should be somewhat sunny, so get ready umbraphiles! (this is an actual term they're using on the news)
  3. We initially thought my aunt was lucky as they initially diagnosed it as a stage 4. after the surgery, the surgeon came out and told my aunt's partner that, "she did the best she could". Her pancreas was much farther along than expected, and she was given the 6-12 month prediction. She's still with us and looks great. She traveled to iceland in the fall to see the northern lights. lot's of bucket list stuff. it's a blessing to have this time with her, but with pancreatic cancer, we unfortunately all know the ending.
  4. i may to up my social status in england.
  5. oh absolutely. i bet you rowan can lay pipe anytime he wants.
  6. i need someone to go stand down there and wave to us.
  7. wow. that's wildly sad. not that i knew tom well, but he was always a fixture here. my aunt has been living with pancreatic cancer for the last 3 years...which is a miracle.
  8. I can’t wait to dump eggnog all over a child if this is a home game.
  9. Happy belated birfday!
  10. ohhhhh! the jardiance commercial was a hard one for me too. i would even do the jardiance dance for my wife. the dancing is a little more on point in the new commercial. i'm also enraged by the marina dodge jingle that i hear at least 50 times a day.
  11. the playful banter between damar and that woman make me want to strike my wife.
  12. it would be the perfect sacrifice.
  13. Do I have to be scared of the Jets again this offseason? I don’t think I have the energy.
  14. it might be the worst article i could have clicked on.
  15. i had to google who he was, and this was the first thing i saw... https://riggosrag.com/posts/washington-commanders-players-dont-deserve-roster-anymore/3
  16. i dunno know...he does that heart thing with his hands.
  17. if i see him in another vision car commercial, i'm going to take the bridge.
  18. holy ***** this thread is a mess.
  19. I’m going to fight him on the internet.
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