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Everything posted by teef

  1. that moderna seems to follow a schedule. you'll possibly start feeling lousy 12 hours after, and it ends 24 hours after. i could see the reactions being worse for women. in our office, 6 of the girls received the vaccine, and two had the more hard core symptoms that lasted the day. the two were younger, but our other younger employee felt nothing. it was a mixed bag here.
  2. other than the sore arm with moderna, i felt fine. maybe just a touch tired, but it may have just been me being tired from life. my wife who also had the moderna shot, and is in her 30s had no real reaction as well. just a bit tired.
  3. how many times has this happened in your life...once. does this happen on the regular to you? we had what was perceived a medical nightmare, so systems were put in place to slow that process. that's it. on that note, let's not get into this bull####. first off, i live in ny and we have some of the strictest rules with covid. last year i took a major step in my career, and build a building that houses my and another business. it was a big step for me. weeks later, i was told i couldn't work for 10 weeks. even after those 10 weeks, we could open back up with heavy limitations. my overhead skyrocketed, and a lot had to change. i had a tough year last year as we all did. we made sacrifices, and now we're moving past that. my school age kid couldn't go to school full time, so we put her in private so she could. my cousin couldn't get married on her expected date, so she had a very small wedding, and will have a large reception when she can. figure that ***** out.
  4. you completely twisted what i said. i think the vaccine works, but it doesn't mean everything is completely back to normal yet. so if people bought the hype, that means they got the vaccine? there's no hype here. it's a decision. it just seems to me that people who choose not to get the vaccine are far more attacking about it that people who have gotten it. some people have been so tricked into think their government is trying to control them...that we're going socialist or communist with these new rules. your freedoms are being taken away! you can accuse people of falling for the hype for taking it, but that is that type of thinking?
  5. i'm going to put this out there as well...a member earlier mentioned that people who choose not to get the vaccine are being treated as anti-vaxxers. just read through this thread. the people who are attacking the most are the ones who refuse it completely...calling people sheep, stating people are blindly following what the government tell them what to do, thinking your lives are being taking over, etc. this group wants to act persecuted, but yet they're the most attacking of the bunch.
  6. who thinks this? this is a pretty dangerous assumption. i've had my vaccine, but still wear the mask and do what i have to.
  7. very true, and it's a different situation unto itself. there should be come exceptions for people who can't medically get it.
  8. it's the state we live in. ny hasn't been easy, but we don't have a choice here. people have chosen to move away because of it, (and taxes) and that's their choice. we have another choice here. to get or not get the vaccination. i decided to get it because of my elderly parents and my job where i'm in people's faces every day. it wasn't the state's decision for me to get it, rather an educated choice after doing research and realizing its importance. again, if people don't want to get it, i have zero issues with that. i gave everyone in my office the choice to get it if they wanted to. all that said, i want to hear zero complaints from peoplethat feel the vaccine isn't for them. we all have choices to make.
  9. oh yes...because i decided to get a vaccination, i'm cheering for crumbs the government drops on the floor for me. if anyone wonders why people who won't get vaccine are criticized, it's because of comments like this.
  10. i don't think people who refuse to get this vaccine are considered anti-vaxxers at all. the issue is these same people are complaining about freedom. you have the freedom to get or not get the vaccine. the same way private business have the freedom to decide whether or not people are allowed in, (i get in this case it's state driven, etc). yeah...we guessed that.
  11. that would be great. at this point it's the only thing stopping me from going to a game. i'd take a test here if need be.
  12. ok. i'm in. i wonder if they're still going to make people report a few days before to take a test. that's the trouble for me...i just can't take that day to go back and forth for a test. i mean i can, but i don't want to lose work for that.
  13. this is outstanding. one of my best friends is from westford. he had a little bit of the accent, but it really only came out after a few drinks. when his friends would come to visit, it always came out a bit more. the most entertaining thing was when his parents came to hang out. if they heard that accent after he had a few drinks, he would get the dirtiest looks from them. they tried amazingly hard to beat it out of him.
  14. this thread is filled with a ton of negative energy.
  15. i didn't even know until this monday! i'm slipping.
  16. i'll have you know that diggs was at a sporting goods store right by my house this past saturday. i could have delivered flowers for you.
  17. we're always up in the thousand islands 5-6 times every summer. we'll go to lake george, and i think we're going with friends who have young kids to a camp ground that's specifically set up for kids. the summer is one of the few times i like to stay in ny. there's a ton to do around here. we're not going to take our first big trip until next winter. we already booked it, so well in in turks and caicos. we're on one of those resorts that you can pass you kids off at day camp while you sit at the beach. this will be my first sitting around trip in years.
  18. what's more annoying about the accent is that two people can grow up on the same street, and one person will have it, and the other won't.
  19. exactly. to kill a guy's grandkids...he's a special sort of #######. a lot of us have mental illness in our families. hell, a few months ago my cousin had to call the cops on himself because he attacked my uncle during an episode. it's hard, but what this guy did was just from his evil nature. ***** him right in his ear hole.
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