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Everything posted by teef

  1. I’m sending a bill for the extra $25. You send me a unsigned check one more time…
  2. my drinking is really when we go out to dinner. my move is that i usually have a mixed drink when i get there, and a glass of wine at dinner. Anything beyond that and i'm not driving. i just uber at this point now. in some of the local areas, it's easier to uber than it is to park.
  3. yup. i park at the same place every year. it goes up a bit each year, so i think you're right at the $25 mark.
  4. bro...you better get ready to roll.
  5. oh i agree. she had a mixture of something in her.
  6. i didn't watch the videos until i heard how she was. this is a bad one.
  7. she was drunk and just checked herself into rehab.
  8. I put in for the lottery but haven’t heard a peep. The only reason I get to go every year is because I’ve been lucky and get invited to the corporate events. I really don’t know how I’d get in otherwise.
  9. you needed to tell me that about a decade ago.
  10. i remember seeing this movie. i was a high school senior in 95, so it was about the same generation. we had to go to the little theater, (the smaller, artsy theater) because it wasn't mainstream enough for the bigger theaters. i did like the movie, but all i remember thinking was how ***** bad these kids were. i get being raised in a city must have its pitfalls, but get your ***** together.
  11. i'm seconds away from posting pictures of my junk.
  12. it was well into the hundreds this past week. las vegas has been on one of those long triple digit runs as well. you just can't go outside. even being in the pool or on a boat can be brutal. any extreme is too much. My only hope is that the extreme isn't as harsh here anymore. I don't know if the warm up is a pattern or we've just been lucky, it's so much more mild. in 20 years or so, i'll be gone from january to may, and here from june till after christmas. that's the plan at least.
  13. the intense cold hasn't been around for a couple of years, but there's no escaping that gray. the summer and fall is amazing here tough. my family from florida is up for the summer this past week, and they couldn't wait to get out of there. from may to october they hate it.
  14. the winters are miserable, but it's not even so much for the cold anymore...it's just constantly gray. the last couple of winters have been amazingly mild. we hit the 70s 2-3 times in february, and we've had next to no snow. if they plowed my driveway twice last year it was a lot. i just miss the sun.
  15. oh 100% i wasn't around much in rochester in my early to mid 20s because of school, but when i was home/moved back, i never really loved the younger bar scene. same people in the same places. now with younger kids i really appreciate this area. there's a ton to do for young families, and my god does my wife find a few things to do every weekend. i even like going out far more as an adult than i ever did when i was younger. not to mention use of the finger lakes. i'm not sure i'll stick around when i get older, but as someone who thought they were never coming back, i do enjoy living here from june to january.
  16. i've always thought the appeal to rochester were the suburbs. nice homes, clean, great schools, etc. for all those saying crime...it's in areas of the city you typically would never go. we go to parts of downtown for restaurants and shows, but i've never felt unsafe in those areas at all.
  17. years ago i was in an uber, and the driver told me that his cousin was he hate me. he then made an appointment at my office and never showed up. that was my brush with greatness.
  18. who in god's name was sending you contracts?
  19. This is going to be the new way I discipline my kids.
  20. i live right around the corner from here year ago and loved the area. quick walks to garbiels gate and coulter bay.
  21. Like many others I’m from the area and loved watching games with my dad. Now it’s just stubbornness.
  22. The picture they picked is perfect one for a serial grinder.
  23. this is what i was thinking is well. it will be mostly locals who want to see the show, and go right home after. i might spend one night in the area, but that would be it personally.
  24. it very well could be. my negative ass just went with the negative.
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