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  1. we treat mild to low moderate apnea in our office with mandibular sleep devices. I mostly do mild apnea, but I'll make appliances for someone in the moderate range if they feel they can't wear the cpap at all, or want on for travel. I think the story @Neo describes is important. those multiple episodes per hour are dangerous. look up an apnea video, and it's shocking to watch someone gasp for breath. the thought it everyone of those episodes pumps cortisol into your system, and those constant spikes are assumed to lead to heart attacks. this is why we hear stories about people dying in their sleep due to apnea. also as @Neo mentioned, looking for signs of grinding can help with the diagnosis. when you grind, you teeth have to meet. this means the mandible isn't resting passively on your airway, reducing the number of episodes. i took some courses from a guy in florida about it. this dude has two practices where the only dentistry he does is sleep apnea.
  2. that's where i recognize her from! i only could tell who she was from one picture listed. good call.
  3. it's more of an attitude issue.
  4. i've been married for 12 years, but i count them like dog years.
  5. guys...this is why the nextdoor app was created.
  6. my wife and kids were at the airport on a layover when this happened. she said people were just blankly staring at the tvs, soaking it in. it looks like i'll be driving everywhere from now on.
  7. i agree here. the guy is a total psycho who apparently had failed at getting help. he's dangerous #######.
  8. you guys are not going to like my commercial next year for testicular cancer screening.
  9. not a single, "super bowl"? you people disgust me.
  10. i don't see the concern with this either. we all knew it was coming, and it sets up a potentially fun trip.
  11. It would be nice to push a child down the stairs in another country.
  12. how any well adjusted person could think this is worse that the drought is beyond me. we actually have a chance to go to a super bowl when years ago we would talk about how this team could never handle the playoffs. there's too many fragile older men on this site. ***** sack up.
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