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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. well deserved! He had an unbelievable season. rochester won their game 8-1 last night, so now they wait on the Belleville/Toronto game. If Toronto loses in regulation, Rochester makes the playoffs. If Toronto wins or gets it to OT, Rochester is eliminated.
  2. Not a fan of Willis going to Tennessee. I was rooting for him to succeed but now that’s tough to do because if he develops to his potential, the titans are going to be a really scary team.
  3. 18 minutes in 😂 He doesn’t know how much more the fan base can take. First Tom Brady moves on, then they draft a guard from chattanooga in the first round… 😂 that fan base is in for such a rude awakening. I just hope the Bills can torture the patriots for as many years as they tortured us! Heck, I’d even take 1/2 that amount of time (10yrs). lol
  4. Just listened to him talk to the Buffalo media. He’s definitely happy and he’s really excited to be here (for anyone worried he looked mad in that video when he was drafted). Said he fell in love with the Bills during the pre draft process. Can’t wait to play with Motor. They’re good friends and train together
  5. Woo! So happy they got the win for RJ!!
  6. Yeah it’s really starting to hit home now with less than 10 minutes left. Damn Bills keep trading back too 😂 this was so cool. Loved seeing all the player reactions.
  7. love this team so much! And especially Josh Allen. Dawson Knox is there too. Wonder if any other Bills players went?
  8. It feels so weird knowing that this is the last game I get to listen to RJ call. I’ve been listening to him call Sabres games for most of my life, first on the radio then on TV. I’m going to miss him! Still holding out hope he will come back for a playoff series if the Sabres make it in the near future. Get the win for RJ boys!
  9. Really intrigued by this pick. He adds an element the defense didn’t have. He can press big receivers or TE’s at the line and cover speedy receivers. Im hoping we may see some changes to the defensive philosophy to take advantage of Elam’s excellent press man abilities.
  10. https://theathletic.com/3259672/2022/04/28/nfl-draft-kaiir-elam-florida-gators/ Sounds like a perfect fit to me.
  11. I see not many have been humbled by hating previous Beane draft picks that turned out great for us, huh? 😂
  12. If Beane felt there was a need to trade up I’m going to trust him. Nobody here is in on their conversations or knows why he traded up. I like the pick. It fills probably the biggest need the team had.
  13. I never thought the Bills would trade up for a WR in the 1st when they have Diggs and Davis. I think Davis is going to have a huge breakout season. Personally, I want him in the #2 Wr role.
  14. Wow, wtf was that interview. Wonder what he meant when he said a lot is going through his mind but he’s not going to go there? He seemed pissed off.
  15. I don’t know why the saints would be trading up for a QB to this spot, unless they thought Washington was going to take one, or Pittsburgh was coming up to get one. I’m thinking it’s not a QB.
  16. Just got the chance to watch this. It was really good! I love this team so much! So many genuinely likable guys, and the team chemistry really does seem unique. Such a tight-knit group. And I Love how competitive they all are! McDermott and Beane have done such a phenomenal job of building the culture here.
  17. We just found out last night that Vegas is missing the playoffs. So to expect people not to do a bit of gloating barely 12 hours later, after everything Eichel said+did, I think is unrealistic. And we still don’t even know for 100% sure we get the VGK 1st round pick until after the draft lottery. They only have a 0.5% chance of moving up but if they do we don’t get their draft pick this year. So the Eichel saga isn’t even closed yet. I think more fans will move on once it’s officially behind us. But I don’t see anything wrong with fans getting their shots in today.
  18. Vegas baby. Vegas! Officially eliminated. 😂 twice, actually. Dallas got the game to OT and Vegas lost in the shootout. Oh, and Eichel with a great assist tonight on Chicago’s 3rd goal Definitely don’t miss his terrible no look backhand passes 😂 plus another miss in the shootout.
  19. Yeah he’s fine. He still has the scars, and some damage to his calf muscle but otherwise he’s ok. I don’t know what that guy did to the dog before I rescued him. The dog was pretty young though. I want to say he was maybe a couple months old.
  20. I used to always believe that - there’s no bad dogs, just bad owners. But then I had an experience that totally changed my mind. 15-20 years ago I rescued a pit bull puppy when I was living in Florida. The owner was bragging about how he was going to starve it to death and I took it home on the spot (and reported him, but nothing ever happened). The dog was great when he was a puppy. Obedient, well behaved. Then as he got a bit older he started to show aggression over random things. He’d growl when I fed him. He’d lay by my bed and growl at anyone who came near me at night. Stuff like that. But he never bit anyone. Then I moved back to NY and brought the dog with me. I moved back home and my parents had 2 dogs. He got along with the female dog fine but not the male dog so we had to keep them separated. We also got my dog neutered. Everything really started to change after that. He started getting very aggressive. Trying to bite people. He even bit me, pretty bad. And tried to bite me a few other times where I narrowly got away. He had never shown any aggression toward me before. And it was so unpredictable. Then one day he was laying out in the living room and my dad walked by. The dog just snapped for no apparent reason and viciously attacked my dad in the leg. Bit his leg so badly that the bone was showing. We Had to call an ambulance and my dad was in the hospital for 3-4 days. It wasn’t just one bite either. He didn’t stop attacking until I heard the commotion and ran up + grabbed the dog. As soon as I grabbed him he snapped right back out of it and was looking at me + wagging his tail and was no longer aggressive. The town showed up (paramedics notified them) and took the dog to be put down. That ate at me for years and years. I always felt like it was something I did wrong. I am sure I somehow contributed to the problem but I don’t know how. I never abused him or anything even remotely close. I treat my animals very well. Ive owned all sorts of different dog breeds. I’ve had dog(s) my entire life and never had a problem with any other dog breed. No other dog I’ve ever owned has even shown a hint of aggression. Needless to say I’ll never own another pitbull. edit - I just wanted to add that I don’t think all pit bulls are bad or anything. I have friends and family with pits that are great dogs. But I could never own another. I’m too fearful of them and dogs + fear don’t always mix well. also, sorry for derailing this thread probably wasn’t the best place to tell this story 😂
  21. Eichel has completely disappeared the last 6 games when his team needed him most. Last game he didn’t even have a single shot on net during regulation. https://deadspin.com/maybe-jack-eichel-just-isn-t-that-guy-1848837660 Same thing happened back in 2019/20 when the Sabres were in the playoff race coming out of the trade deadline. The Sabres went on a 6 game losing streak coming off the trade deadline and Eichel was totally invisible. No goals. No assists. Sabres missed the play-in round (the year Covid ended the season) by like a single point or something like that. No, not automatic. Adams had to agree to it. Definitely pretty standard these days but I agree I thought it should’ve been unprotected. Vegas can only move up 10 spots if they win. But either way we wouldn’t get their pick if they win one of the draft lottery spots. Dallas still needs 1 point, or another VGK loss to lock in their playoff birth. Vegas would need to win out and Dallas would have to lose out for Vegas to make the playoffs. Dallas plays Anaheim and Arizona. Vegas plays Chicago and STL. I’m feeling pretty good about it but Im not celebrating yet. You know, Being a Buffalo fan and all… Murphy’s law. lol
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