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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. The segment on the players still being mad starts right around 8:44am for anyone looking for it. Yeah if what Paul Hamilton was saying is true… yikes.
  2. i am getting so sick of reading comments like this after players leave Buffalo. Paul Maurice said something similar about Okposo not being used to the way Florida practices. That they do it much different than in Buffalo. We've been hearing this for years now, going back to previous coaches and GMs. I remember Marcus Foligno saying something similar when he was traded to Minnesota. And Reinhart to Florida. And ROR to STL. And Eichel to Vegas. Maybe it’s time to get a real, experienced NHL coach for once?
  3. Because, for some reason Pegula doesn’t trust career hockey people (it was reported on after Botterill was fired). I have no idea why. He’s never even hired anyone experienced… 🤦‍♂️ yeah, it’s been over since before the trade deadline. Even when they were “3 points out” it was a mirage because the team in front of them had like 3 games in hand on Buffalo. Honestly though, I’m kind of glad they won’t just miss the playoffs by a couple points. Last year that was used as an excuse not to make any meaningful changes or additions. Hopefully they are going to be forced to make real changes this offseason. Unfortunately, I think the change that is needed most (firing Granato) won’t happen. His new contract extension doesn’t even start until next season 😢 Im at least hoping for new assistant coaches. I don’t like rooting for people to be fired. But I just want this team to be good again.
  4. Exactly. Simple solution for everyone: just stop reading into/paying attention to every little thing Diggs tweets. Problem solved! 😮‍💨 people read into every little thing Diggs tweets, then blame him for it… 🤷‍♂️ even though he’s said over & over he wants to retire a Buffalo Bill.
  5. Good first period then they just totally collapsed once Detroit scored. 🤬 It’s going to be really tough for the Sabres to make up this loss. When you are playing a team you are chasing in the standings at this time of year, they are basically 4 point games. Red Wings moved into the final wildcard spot with this win, and now sit 5pts ahead of the Sabres with 1 less game played. Playoff odds are down to just over 3% now.
  6. I didn’t realize the importance of this game until after it was already over and I heard the announcers say the Sabres are 3 points out of a playoff spot. I wasn’t sure I heard them right so I rewound it and listened again. Then googled the NHL standings to verify for myself 😂 Guess maybe it’s time to start paying attention to the Sabres again. I’ve been so checked out the last couple months. I did see part of Byram’s first game, and part of the redwings game. Then I actually watched the 2nd and 3rd period of tonight’s game. They were playing good hockey. I just hope it’s not too little too late again.
  7. The Bills have no chance at him unless he’s willing to take a low paying deal to come here. It doesn’t even seem worth thinking about right now.
  8. The only thing I don’t like about this is all the inside info Poyer can provide to Miami, and I’m sure he will.
  9. Say what you want about Cousins, but he’s sure been able to maximize his pay.
  10. I mean, normally I totally agree with this. We definitely way over-analyze cryptic player tweets. But Dawkins literally tweeted “it was fun while it lasted Buffalo. ✌️ (peace)” I don’t blame people for interpreting that as he was gone. I would have too if I had read it before the extension news came out. 🤷‍♂️😂
  11. Exactly! id rather have extra daylight after work, when I can actually enjoy it. IDGAF if it’s light out or not when I go to work.
  12. Same here! And it has nothing to do with the fighting (for me). It’s about how that team was built, and how they always stuck up for each other. That post-lockout team was soooo fun to watch! It was like they were tailor-made for the new rules after the lockout. That team should have won a Stanley cup. I still think about what could have been if things worked out differently with Drury and Briere… had we signed both of them, chances are we would have taken the oilers FOUR 1st round picks from their offer sheet on Vanek. Those first round picks ended up being #12 overall, #10 overall, #1 overall, #1 overall. Now, maybe with Vanek that is slightly different but Edmonton did offer sheet Dustin Penner after the Vanek offer sheet failed. Penner was a good player too. And Edmonton finished last by a wide enough margin in 2010 and 2011 that I don’t see Vanek changing that (especially since Penner put up better stats in 2010 than Vanek). Imagine that 2007 team getting to add 4 extra mid/high 1st round picks to the roster! Especially back then when ownership wasn’t willing to spend big to bring in free agents.
  13. That’s the crazy thing though… UPL is top 10 in saves above expected. He’s having the best season a Sabres goalie has had since Ullmark left. The Sabres also have a better 5v5 scoring rate than last year. If you told me Buffalo would improve goaltending and 5v5 scoring (over last season), I would have said they are a playoff team. Yet here they sit near the bottom of the standings 🤷‍♂️
  14. not OP, but I’ve been watching the Sabres since the 1980’s and followed them very closely for many years, including during the tank/rebuild years in the 2010’s. I was very invested in the rebuild. I bought it hook, line and sinker that you needed a couple top 2-3 draft picks to win a Stanley Cup. I watched every game thru the tank years. Every player and coach interview. now I’m just burned out by the losing and the same failures over and over. I can’t do it anymore for my own sanity. They’ve had the #1 prospect pool numerous times over the last 10 years. Collecting young talent hasn’t been the issue. The issue has been surrounding that talent with the proper veterans and taking the next step. if you just recently started watching more frequently, I can see how you wouldn’t be burnt out by the losing yet. Talk to me after 10 more years… lol I'm not depressed about the prospect pool or the young talent already on the team. They have probably the best prospect pool in the NHL. They’re overflowing with young talent. what I’m depressed about are the people who own and/or run the Sabres. I have little faith that the people in charge can make the necessary changes to get this team over the hump. It’s hard to have faith in people with no experience, and people who have so far shown no ability or willingness to correct any of the issues facing this team/roster. and even if Adams and/or Granato were fired, I have little faith they would be replaced with people who have actual experience. I would love nothing more than to be wrong though. I just want a good team again.
  15. Well, about the only positive I can come up with for this season is that it looks like UPL has established himself as a legit #1 goalie. other than that… 🤮 I’m pretty much totally checked out at this point. Couldn’t even tell you when they play next, nor do I care. Haven’t watched more than a few minutes of a game in well over a month now. Hockey was always my #1 sport but this season was the final straw that broke my back. We heard how this season was “all about winning”, but that was a bunch of BS. They did very little in the offseason to improve the roster, and then absolutely nothing in season to try and save the season. Kevyn Adams seems content to have another “internal growth” season. Except, the entire roster (besides UPL) has been moving backwards. Any organization that actually cared about winning would have done something to try and save the season. But Buffalo seems content to let yet another rebuild go to $*** and let losing habits take over. oh, and if the Sabres terrible effort + play wasn’t a big enough “**** you” to the fans, the Sabres players have stopped saluting the crowd after wins because they were mad they got booed. seriously. ⬇️ https://buffalonews.com/sports/professional/nhl/sabres/buffalo-sabres-nhl-don-granato-columbus-blue-jackets-toronto-maple-leafs/article_97abb70c-cc5a-11ee-8ab4-1f71e58cc14c.html
  16. Personally, I hate the chiefs MUCH more. Here’s why: when the patriots had their dynasty, the Bills were a gong show for most of those 20 years. I mean, we weren’t even close to competing with the patriots. We never even had a single good QB during that 2 decades, and had a rotating cast of crappy coaches and GMs. It’s not like the patriots were ever blocking the Bills path to a championship… But the chiefs on the other hand stand in Buffalo’s way in the post season seemingly every year. The Bills are a really good team, but the chiefs are just a bit better and we just can’t seem to get past them. Now, had the Bills not traded the chiefs that #10 pick (for relatively cheap!) to draft Mahomes, the AFC might run through Buffalo… so, yes. Chiefs by a mile for me.
  17. I am sure I’ll watch some of the Super Bowl. But to be honest I have a really difficult time watching the chiefs play now. I just can’t seem to get over the fact that the Bills handed them the final piece to their dynasty (Mahomes), for relatively cheap too. I know it does me no good holding onto this, but it’s hard to let go of until Buffalo can actually beat them when it matters (in the playoffs). And it’s not that I’m pining for Mahomes. I love Josh Allen. It’s just that I can’t help but think about how much different life could be for the Bills if they hadn’t made that trade with KC. New Orleans was set to draft Mahomes at pick #11. Imagine not having to go through Reid/Mahomes every single year for the foreseeable future… I guess I just really thought this was the year that the Bills would finally make it past KC in the playoffs. I am still not over that loss.
  18. Will Aaron Rodgers be the first NFL QB to get to pick his next head coach and/or GM? It seriously wouldn’t surprise me at this point. I’d bet that he will at least sit in on the interviews 😂
  19. Good hire by Seattle. McDermott has talked many times about how valuable Frazier was to him, especially early on. Bills players have also said similar. He will be a valuable asset to Macdonald.
  20. If Campbell had taken the 48 yard field goal in the 4th Q instead of going for it on that 4th down (what was it, 4th a 4/6?) it would’ve been tied. That has to sting for Detriot fans.
  21. When…? More like “if”. If the Bills ever win a Super Bowl (seems like a big if right now),I am not exactly sure what I’d do besides obviously celebrate and probably cry tears of joy. Right now I feel like we are just waiting to get eliminated in the 2nd round annually, so it’s hard to think about a Super Bowl win until they can get by the better AFC teams in the playoffs. and looking at the rest of the AFC doesn’t make me feel hopeful for 2024. KC has $24+M in cap space for 2024 and are already better than Buffalo Bengals have $61M in cap space (not that Mike Brown will definitely spend it all) Texans and Colts both have $66M + good young up and coming QB’s and HC’s. Its going to take an excellent draft by Beane with some immediate contributors + savvy free agent signings just to keep up.
  22. Yep. He sure was. And here he is, 4 years later and still unemployed… I’m sure he’s had dozens of offers from NFL teams, just not the “right” offer. That’s why he took a job as a DC in the UFL (because, you know, that’s better than just accepting any old NFL job) 😂
  23. I feel just the opposite. I feel like this is the loss that broke me… I really thought this was the year they would beat the chiefs, and now I kind of feel like they never will, at least as currently constructed. Right now, between the Bills always breaking my heart and the Sabres reverting back to a bottom of the league team, I feel like I can’t do this “Buffalo sports” stuff anymore. Chances are I’ll feel differently come next season, but right now I feel like I need to step away for a while. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t really even enjoy watching the Bills play anymore. I just feel nervous all game. I also kind of feel like McDermott has taken this team as far as he can, so until something major changes I’m not sure what the point is in getting my hopes up.
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