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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. i hope Routsalainen gets a legit chance in Buffalo next season.
  2. Brady talked about this (Belichick demoralizing the team) in that “man in the arena” series. He said even the season they went 16-0 Belichick was constantly demoralizing the team. He said despite clearly being the best team in the league they never felt like they were because Belichick would humble them every day, pointing out every little mistake on film.
  3. Ah, ok. That makes more sense. I still disagree. But I couldn’t even figure out wtf he was talking about before. I was like “is he thinking of the 2020 afc championship or something?” 😂
  4. Yeah I’m confused too. He seems to be saying that the Bills offense was just going through the motions and if they had more toughness “it would have been a close game”. um. huh? It was a close game. It went to overtime. Isn’t that pretty much the definition of a close game?
  5. Totally agree! The more the merrier! Having a team that attracts bandwagon fans is a good thing. I remember when the Bills were a trendy bandwagon team in the 90’s and I thought it was great. You’d see Bills players in commercials and movies. You’d see Bills merchandise everywhere (I remember seeing pictures of people half way around the world wearing bills gear), even in movies. It was trendy to be a Bills fan. Then I got to experience about 2 decades where the Bills were completely irrelevant, and even a laughing stock. I very much prefer the former because it means the Bills are a good team. All good teams have bandwagon fans. It comes with the territory. I understood Dion’s point at the time he wrote that article. Allen was just having his breakout season, as were the Bills. Up to that point the team had been pushing that underdog “us against the world” mentality. The team fed off being doubted. Dawkins believed all along that they would become a good team and was saying if you weren’t with us during the bad, you don’t get to be with us during the good. But it’s not up to him to decide. Nor is it up to any Bills fan. And personally I don’t think a small market team like Buffalo should be pushing away any fans. The more fans we have, the more powerful we are as a team. and TBH I never really understood “gatekeeper” fans (yes, I know it was a bills player that wrote this) who think they can tell others who can & can’t be fans of the team. Or that they’re not allowed to be fans if they (fill in the blank (ex: root for ‘x’ team)).
  6. Rochester can close out their playoff series against Utica tonight. Go Amerks! Here is a link to the game if anyone wants to watch.
  7. wonder if they go after Trotz? I have to think they do. If it happens it will be interesting to see how Eichel handles playing for a coach with such a rigid system. I hope they don’t land Trotz though. I think he would be really good for that team + locker room, especially after they’ve lost so many of the ‘glue’ guys they once had.
  8. Glad Calgary won last night. I’m really excited to see the battle of alberta now. Edmonton vs Calgary should be a great series! What an unreal performance by Jake Oettinger. He almost single handedly stole that series foe Dallas. Dallas and the NYR showing what a good goaltender can do for your team. I sure hope Kevyn Adams addressed Buffalo’s goaltending in a meaningful way this offseason.
  9. another big win for Rochester!! They are up 2 games to 1 in a best of 5 series. Next game is Tuesday.
  10. Yeah, I was happy to see the bruins knocked out. I feel bad for Bergeron if that was indeed his last game. But oh well. I was somewhat surprised Toronto didn’t get past Tampa. I honestly thought they looked like the better team for much of the series. I thought this was going t9 be the year they finally won a 1st round series. I couldn’t bring myself to root for Toronto though. I hate Tampa too. Wasn’t really rooting for them either. But living in Buffalo the rivalry among fan bases is definitely much stronger with Toronto. Their fans can be pretty obnoxious when they come to games in Buffalo. Itll be interesting to see if Toronto makes any big changes. I actually don’t think they should. I think the team is really close. The series came down to 1 goal pretty much. But if they want to do something stupid I’m all for it! 😂 Did you see the Edmonton game? Oh man, that crowd was just INSANE! They were soo loud the entire game and especially the 3rd period. They were standing and yelling/cheering the entire period (and most of the game). Then they had a Huge crowd outside the arena too. I was happy for that fan base that Edmonton won. I was happy for mcdavid too. He doesn’t show his emotions that often but he sure did after he scored that 3rd period goal!
  11. Amerks tie the series up at 1 game each!
  12. That Tops is maybe 10 minutes from my house. I’ve shopped there. I have friends and family who shop there. To say this hits close to home is an understatement. Reading this kid’s manifesto makes me feel sick. It also makes me so very angry, especially considering I’ve heard some of the same exact things on a very popular nightly segment on a major news network. I’ll leave it there…😡🤬 😢 I am so heart broken for all of the families suffering tonight because of this senseless tragedy. I feel so helpless. You read about these damn mass shootings what seems like weekly, or even daily. But nothing ever changes. It’s just “thoughts & prayers” and onto the next one. I don’t know what the answer is. But it’s certainly not “let’s continue to do nothing”.
  13. Mike Leach sounds… unique. https://theathletic.com/1138379/2019/08/15/what-the-is-going-on-right-now-inside-mike-leachs-qb-meetings/ (athletic subscription required) wow.
  14. Couple really exciting games so far tonight (Was/FL & NYR/Pit). Reinhart with a great goal to tie the game at 3.
  15. Sabres picking 9th and 16th. They officially get the VGK 1st (#16) I’m happy with that. I would’ve been so aggravated if the VGK won a lottery pick with their 0.5% odds. I’ve seen some Sabres fans on social media saying that they wanted VGK to win so we could have an unprotected 1st next year but I disagree. I’d much rather take the guaranteed #16 pick this year. It’s already better than I expected it to be. Plus now we can put the Eichel saga behind us. This draft looks like it has really nice depth. Buffalo should get a chance to draft 2 really good players with those 2 picks, and even with Florida’s late 1st and their own 2nd. Excited to see what they do!
  16. I’d love to see Buffalo win one of the top 2 picks with their own #9 pick but I’ll be happy if they at least just keep their current draft position at #9 and #16.
  17. I’m actually happy to read this. I was worried about him joining Miami’s ownership group and/or front office. I’ve been watching that “Man in the Arena” series and I have been impressed by Brady. I know we’re not allowed to say that as Bills fans but I’m just being honest. I think he could have really helped a team like the dolphins if he joined them. Hate him all you want but he’s probably the most successful QB to ever play the game. That doesn’t happen by accident, and it’s not from cheating as so many like to write it off as. I’d much rather have him in the booth calling games than helping an AFCE rival get better.
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