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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. Yeah I feel the same way. I didn’t really want either team to win. Im not the biggest avalanche fan either but I’m rooting for Colorado just because Tampa has won it the last 2 years, and because I feel like Mackinnon deserves a cup. They’re more exciting to watch too.
  2. The bandits won game 1 and lost game 2 of the NLL finals. They will play a final game 3 at home next Saturday, June 18th at 7:30pm https://bandits.com/single-game-tickets/ Tickets start at $28. Please spread the word! I’d love to see a sell-out. I was there when they won the championship at home in the 90’s and it was an amazing experience that I still remember vividly to this day. I want to be there again! Anyone else planning to go?
  3. Colorado has the speed and Tampa has the goaltending. Colorado is a bit higher scoring but both teams can score. Both teams have stars. Biggest difference I see is goaltending. At least Kuemper will be back for Colorado. That’ll help, but Kuemper is no Vasilevskiy. Should be a really good series! Itll be interesting to see if Colorado is able to score on Vasi when he goes into shutdown mode.
  4. It’s just the timing of this that bothers me, not the money. I understood when they made the boychuck trade in season to stay above the cap floor. But making this move so early in the offseason, before free agency even opens? And only for a f’n 7th round pick? 🤮 Why do this now? It sure doesn’t give me much hope that they plan to make many improvements to the team.
  5. After hearing the prosecutors worked with Watson’s lawyer s and the Texans and now this, it’s starting to feel more and more like the prosecutor just didn’t want to get a grand jury indictment. this is a police officer who investigated Watson saying that stuff. See above.
  6. He must have really struggled if Connor Hughes is saying it. He is kind of a Jets homer. He can usually always find a way to put a positive spin on everything.
  7. https://www.wtsp.com/article/sports/lightning-fan-sucker-punched-rangers-fan-madison-square-garden/67-c9ac9d05-9c4b-4034-bcd4-13f484196ac2 apparently the guy who sucker punched the lighting fan also punched another person that tried to stop him from getting away. the guy he knocked out was taken to the hospital and is in stable condition.
  8. Meh. I’d rather use the cap space for a player that can actually contribute, not just sit on injured reserve. Or at least get more than a 7th round pick for helping Dallas get cap compliant, especially now with cap space at such a premium. I am not a big fan of these Ottawa style moves to hit the salary cap floor by sending as little money as possible. I’d rather see them overpay for a starting caliber goaltender to actually play for them. Its not that big of a deal though. The Sabres still have tons of cap space. But this makes me think they likely plan to be a salary cap floor team again.
  9. Tampa Bay looks like they have found their game. I think they were just rusty those first 2 games but ever since about 1/2 way through that 3rd game they’ve looked much better. I don’t see the NYR winning this series. They really needed to win last night at home. I think Tampa most likely clinched the series at home next game. colorado vs Tampa has the potential to be a pretty good Stanley cup final (assuming tampa wins the series)
  10. Thank you. I appreciate it.
  11. You are making an awful lot of assumptions from the few seconds of video we see before the guy gets sucker punched. How do you know he was doing any of that? I don’t hear that Tampa fan say anything. He had his arms out and smiled. That’s all we see in the video. It didn’t even look like he was looking at the guy who hit him. It looked like he was looking past him at someone else ahead. But apparently you think that is justification enough to sucker punch him, and think I am wrong for saying it isn’t. 🤷‍♂️
  12. Trash talking and physical assault are not the same. And Trash talking does not mean you are trying to get someone to be physical. It just means you are trash talking after a win. If you see trash talk as a reason to hit someone then you have issues and need to grow up or get counseling for your anger. Adults are able to realize that words are just words and not a reason to assault someone. Especially when we are talking about a stupid sporting event. It’s supposed to be fun. Nothing anyone can say about the Bills or Sabres losing a game would ever make me want to assault them. nothing that lightning fan said made him deserve to be sucker punched. (cue TBBills reacting to this post with an ❌ or 👎… 😂)
  13. Is there a longer video of the incident you watched? If so Can you post it? I’d like to see for myself what you think justified that guy getting assaulted. edit - so does that thumbs down mean you watched the same video we did?
  14. That legitimately made me laugh out loud. 😂
  15. My youngest aunt just died from pancreatic cancer 2 days ago. 😢 she was only in her early 50’s.
  16. just because a person talks trash after their team wins doesn’t give someone the right to sucker punch/assault them. If you take sports that seriously that you feel the need to assault someone for simply bragging about their team’s win, you have a serious problem with anger. I hope the guy in the red shirt was caught and has charges pressed against him.
  17. What excuse will the people saying “it’s all about the money” use now that more women are coming forward who aren’t suing him? 70-100 different massage therapists in a 17 month period. All women, not one man. Some aren’t even massage therapists. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…
  18. They played a clip of Watson saying he had no remorse during the real sports segment. Then at the end of the segment Watson’s lawyer was interviewed and she reiterated that Watson has no regrets for any of his actions. so yes, I believe it’s possible that girl didn’t decide to come forward until she saw the real sports segment.
  19. I agree that the real sports interviews were done to put pressure on the NFL, and on Watson. But I haven’t seen anything from the new women that makes me believe they were just waiting months and months to come forward in order to allow Buzbee to keep pressure on Watson to settle. I also don’t find it hard to believe that seeing Watson say he has no remorse made them want to come forward. and i don’t know what the minimum compensation is. I was wondering the same thing myself. I tried to Google it but didn’t find anything
  20. The new women suing him didn’t turn down any settlement money offered, and the 23rd woman is only seeking the minimum. So again I ask what have you seen that makes you doubt them? Do you feel the same way about every person who sues another person for damages? Or just women suing rich men? and at the time that money was offered wasn’t there still pending criminal cases? edit - also, Watson wanted the women to sign a very aggressive non disclosure agreement.
  21. I don’t know about the 24th woman (I haven’t read anything in her yet), but the 23rd woman who just came forward said she did so after seeing the real sports interview where Watson’s lawyer said watson had no remorse. So I don’t think buzbee was just sitting on this lawsuit. I believe her that she came forward because of the reason she stated. And she’s only seeking whatever the minimum compensation is so why would she agree to put her name out there publicly and face all the backlash just so Buzbee could use her? So what have you seen from these new women that makes you question their motives? Especially the 23rd who filed for the mimimum compensation.
  22. A good bet based on what? One of the 2 new women that came forward is only seeking the bare minimum compensation, so not for money (at least in her case). So basically the more women that come forward the less likely you are to believe them? Why are you so willing to give one guy the benefit of the doubt but not 24 women? Why is the word of one guy worth more than 24 women to you? A guy who was constantly seeking out new women on Instagram to give him a “massage”, mind you. A guy who admitted he made a woman cry during the massages. A guy who’s lawyer just said that attempting to get a happy ending and saying + doing creepy things to massage therapists isn’t illegal…
  23. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/06/03/deshaun-watsons-lawyer-rusty-hardin-contends-sexual-activity-during-a-massage-is-not-a-crime/ I think this is a really good point. It’s really hard to imagine that Deshaun Watson was constantly seeking out new inexperienced and unlicensed massage therapists, who always had to be female, for any therapeutic or performance related reasons. At very best it seems he was looking for female massage therapists to have random sexual encounters with. At worst he’s a serial sexual predator who shows absolutely no remorse for his actions, and maybe doesn’t even see that his actions were wrong.
  24. Well, she had a nice run! It’s a huge accomplishment to even make the finals. She’s getting better and better. I look forward to seeing what she does in the future.
  25. Well, that leaves no doubt in my mind that Watson did what those girls are accusing him of. Sounds like his lawyer is basically saying “watson did it but it didn’t rise to the level of a crime”. (edit: to be fair, I haven’t listened to the whole interview so it’s possible I may be taking this out of context. Not sure how though…)
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