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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. from his agent/friend. No link, but he mentions the toy drive which is the charity being shared.
  2. Congrats to Brian Daboll on making the playoffs his first season as the NYG head coach!
  3. I forgot all about this guy. Seems like he’s not getting the offers he wants. I can’t say I blame him for just waiting until free agency if that’s the case. He will likely be the top WR on the market (or close).
  4. I don’t think Belichick is done coaching yet, whether that’s in New England or elsewhere. I’d be pretty surprised to see him fired, but who knows. I know Kraft has said he’d a PITA to deal with so maybe he does decide to move on. But I still think he’s back for next year at least. If anything I think we will just see changes to the offensive coaching staff. I’ve heard Belichick is going to bring Bill O’Brien back to be OC.
  5. that’s a picture of both cars in my driveway. You can’t really see either of them. Just the mirror of the first car (there’s another car behind it, in case you can’t see it 😂)
  6. Yeah we had no choice but to cancel today’s party. We couldn’t leave our house even if we wanted to. Cars haven’t been able to drive down our street since Friday morning. The last SUV that attempted to drive down the street Friday evening is still stuck out in the street. It’ll be there for days yet. The entire street is solid snow. Our cars are completely buried. I can’t even see our small SUV. No joke! We just rescheduled the party to next week. We are bummed but at least we can reschedule it. I’m just thankful to be safe in a warm house!
  7. I got my snow blower started. Phew! That’s a relief. It was just froze up. I used a heat gun on it for a bit and got it running. Then let it run to thaw out. Had to keep adjusting the choke knob for the first 5 minutes or so to keep it from stalling. Then once I got it started the drive and reverse were frozen so it was still useless. Used the heat gun on the drive case + shaft and rolled it back+forth. That eventually got it working. Made a path to the garage (so I can get to the extra fuel and propane heater) and to my gate then quit. No reason to kill myself clearing the end of my driveway. I can take my time. My street is packed with 3-4ft. of snow and 6-7ft snow drifts and the snow is solid as a rock. They’re going to have to clear it with loaders/bobcats/excavators (etc). No way a plow gets through that snow. So it’ll be days before it’s clear. Clearing this snow is crazy! I’ve never seen snow this packed and solid.
  8. All I want for Christmas is a snow removal service! 😂
  9. Pics looking out my front door. I’m 6’ tall and I’m standing with the camera near chest height. I have no idea how I’m going to clear all this snow!
  10. Need a big series from the defense here
  11. Ugly series. They had all the momentum. Now Chicago seems to have it.
  12. Man, that was an awful pass.
  13. Well, let’s hope for a better second half from the entire team. That 1st half was not good.
  14. This defense is so overrated. I know stats say they are a top defense but they just never look like a top defense to me when I watch them play.
  15. Yikes. Talk about blown coverage 😬
  16. Yeah it’s going to be a nightmare with how packed down and heavy it is, and how tall the snow drifts are. I have one small section of my driveway that’s clear. But the rest has huge snow drifts. The snow drift in front of my garage is so tall I can’t even see my garage door. Then I have a good 6-7ft snow drift in front of my gate + side door. Then more on the other side of the gate running most of the way to the street. I pulled both cars into the driveway but that may have been a mistake because they caught a ton of snow and caused huge snow drifts. Both cars are buried to the roof. The cars in the street aren’t buried too bad. But they’ll get buried by the snow plows. Not looking forward to clearing the snow the plows dump at the end of the driveway. It’s going to get dumped on top of the 3/4/5ft that’s already at the end of the driveway unless I can get out there to clear it before then, which seems doubtful.
  17. My uncle in Cheektowaga has been without power for over 24 hours now. And my other aunt + uncle out by the lake (Angola) have also been without power since yesterday afternoon. They have a generator but it won’t stay running. They live right on the lake. If you’ve ever been out there in Angola the houses are on a cliff. So it’s about 25-30ft down to the lake (they have a tunnel in their basement that runs to the beach/lake). My aunt said yesterday the waves were splashing over the top of the cliff onto their house. Crazy! There’s been quite a few power outages around here.
  18. This is insane! I can’t even see out the windows on the 2nd floor of my house. The snow is piled up covering all 3 of the windows on the front of my house. Easily 5+ feet of snow just on my roof. I can’t even see my cars (smaller SUV’s). The only thing visible is the roof racks! my dog needed to go out but there was a snow drift literally covering my entire door. I had to climb out a bedroom window to get outside. That was fun trying to get my body to bend through the window. I’m getting old…😂 Then I got to my snowblower. Thankfully that was pretty easy. But of course it wouldn’t f’n start. I tried for a good 20 minutes. Wasn’t happening. I think it’s just froze. I’ll try again later or tomorrow. So I just shoveled out a path to the side door so I can open it. It legit took me over an hour just to shovel a 5 foot long path to the door. I had to clear a good 7ft snow drift from in front of the door. We have a gate and it kind of caught all the snow, which all ended up in front of the door. The real issue is how packed this snow is. I don’t think I’ve ever seen snow this packed. It was almost impossible to shovel. That first pic is out the 2nd floor front windows. 2nd pic is out the first floor front window.
  19. I really hate the way this game ended. Such a tricky-tack call against Washington to erase a touchdown. But then on 4th down the refs don’t call an obvious defensive pass interference on the giants.
  20. F’n Texans, teasing us like that. 😡🤬
  21. Even if they had picked up a few loser points on that 8 game losing streak it would’ve been a big help. Losing all 8 of those games in regulation put them in a big hole. They’ve done well digging out of it though.
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