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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. His full quote (most places are using ellipses to replace parts of it) was - “I live in Mississauga. Nobody wears, very few people, wear a poppy. Downtown Toronto, forget it. Downtown Toronto nobody wears a poppy… “Now you go to the small cities and you know, the rows on rows. You people love — that come here — you love our way of life. You love our milk and honey. At least you can pay a couple bucks for a poppy or something like that. These guys paid for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada. These guys paid the biggest price.” saying “you people that come here” leaves little doubt for me that he was referring to immigrants. Mentioning Toronto and Mississauga, 2 of the most diverse Canadian cities, also makes it clear who he was referring to IMO. As of 2016, 51% of Toronto is made up of visible minorities. Where as the smaller Canadian cities he mentions tend not to be diverse at all. Edit - I think you also have to consider Don Cherry’s long history of xenophobic remarks. He’s made no secret of his distaste for immigrants over his long career. These are not even his worst comments. I was actually a bit surprised that he got fired seeing as he’s said worse in the past. But I guess this was just the final straw that broke the camels back...
  2. I believe EJ Gaines is still a free agent. I’m not sure if he’s healthy yet, but I wouldn’t mind having him as an option at CB. I doubt it happens though.
  3. Speaking of Levi Wallace -
  4. Watching Baltimore and Dallas play today, I don’t think the Bills are winning either of those games. The ravens game could be particularly brutal. No game left on the schedule is an automatic win. I think they will end up between 8 and 9 wins. But let’s take it a week at a time here. There aren’t many games this season that were decisive wins. A few bounces and many of those games could’ve went the other way. I think every game this seas9n is going to be a dog fight. They’re not yet good enough to blow teams out or even win comfortably (most of the time). But this was a 6 win team last season, and they’re still rebuilding. I’m trying to lower my expectations and just enjoy any bit of growth we see from our young players (easier said than done... I still badly want playoffs but am trying not to set myself up for disappointment).
  5. Today’s game, along with the last few, have made me realize that the Bills 6-2 record could just as easily be the Browns 2-6 record with a little less luck & a few bounces the other way. Both of these teams (Bills and Browns) seem to be in a similar spot to me - teams that have been crappy for a long time that are trying to climb out of that hole and back to respectability. Both teams still have a ways to go before they’re legit contenders. The Bills are still rebuilding. We have tons of cap space this year (contending teams usually don’t leave $25M in unspent cap) and next. A good amount of draft picks. No additions at the deadline also speaks to where management thinks this team is at. There are still numerous holes on both sides of the ball. This year is mostly about developing young players IMO. These last few weeks have continued to adjust my expectations for this season. I’m really trying to temper my expectations a bit and focus on the young players development.
  6. Miss it miss it miss it miss it edit: well, I tried... lol
  7. I liked that little hip check by Jordan Phillips.
  8. Giants and Jets fans doing their best #BillsMafia impression.
  9. Ah man, that would’ve been a HUGE turnover.
  10. Yuck. Definitely not the drive I was hoping for from the offense.
  11. Wow!! ???? What a goal line stand! The offense needs to put to put together a drive here. Bills need to take advantage of the momentum the D just provided.
  12. Heck of a play by White!!
  13. Why does it seem like every struggling team is always able to find their game against the Bills and Sabres?
  14. Loss #4 in a row. Falling back down to earth here. Lack of talent/depth already catching up to them? They have to get a win tomorrow and break this losing streak before things start to snowball.
  15. Finally some Sabres hockey today! Hopefully they can get back in the win column.
  16. That was an awful challenge. What was Gruden hoping for there? No one even picked up the ball, right? Plus, it was clear as day his arm was moving forward.
  17. he must be getting desperate to play... ?
  18. For those having trouble with the video’s sound, here’s what I had to do - Start playing the video and click on the bottom left to unmute. Then use the arrows that make the video full screen. Once it’s in full screen, you will see another volume control at the top right of the screen. Turn it all the way up and you should have sound (it worked for me).
  19. Link to full story - I really hope Josh proves to be our franchise QB. I love his personality. He’s the type of QB that you can say you’re proud to root for. He would be such a great face for this Bills franchise for the next decade (+). Edit -> For those having trouble with the video’s sound, here’s what I had to do - Start playing the video. Then use the arrows that make the video full screen. Once it’s in full screen, you will see a volume control at the top right of the screen. Turn it all the way up and you should have sound (it worked for me). I switched the link, so hopefully that will fix the issue.
  20. Not gonna lie, I smiled when Lehner just got lit up by Evander Kane on a short handed breakaway. I see Lehner’s been practicing... lol. Also, speaking of Kane ->
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