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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. Sorry about that. That was not my intention to turn this political in any way. I was just shocked to read that.
  2. What? Why in the world were they told to stop testing and stop talking about it?! Wouldn't they want to do More testing?
  3. It’s weird, as much as I complain about the Sabres and say I’m losing interest, I already kind of miss watching them play tonight.
  4. https://theathletic.com/1669164/2020/03/12/what-happened-to-sabres-star-tim-connolly-after-7-years-hes-ready-to-explain/ What happened to Sabres star Tim Connolly? After 7 years, he’s ready to explain (Athletic sub. required)
  5. It would be so weird to see Brady pick the raiders of the teams rumored with interest. They just don’t seem like super bowl contenders, even with Brady (especially 42yr old Brady). Maybe it’s that ownership stake they’re supposedly offering? Or maybe he thinks it’ll be better for his business interests after he retires? I feel like if he picks the raiders raiders it will be because of more than just wanting to win, which I thought was his #1 priority.
  6. This is a very informative and eye opening interview with an infectious disease expert with 40+ years experience. He’s been right on with all of his predications about COVID19 so far. I hope he’s not right this time. Here’s Michael Osterholm’s bio/credentials for anyone curious - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Osterholm and here’s a link to the full length interview - https://youtu.be/E3URhJx0NSw
  7. Nice! I’m sure he wants to stay close to home for now but It would be so cool to see him on the Bills coaching staff some day (if he ever becomes interested in an NFL coaching job).
  8. Unfortunately, I worry that we are just seeing the beginning of this thing. It’s a lot more serious than a flu and the world is treating it that way. We are seeing major steps taken in lots of countries. Playoffs in empty buildings (or outright cancelled) in Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Germany, Austria (etc). Major world events being cancelled. An entire 1st world country putting quarantine measures into place. I can’t really say I’ve quite seen anything like this in my lifetime. Check out this video interview with an infectious disease expert who’s job it is to handle things like coronaviruses. It might be an eye-opener for some. They are (American hospital association) conservatively estimating 96 million infected, 4.8 million hospitalized, 480,000 deaths over just the next 3-7 months. I really hope those estimates are wrong! The stories about hospitals in Italy being so overwhelmed that doctors and nurses are having to choose which patients to let die is heartbreaking.
  9. Ok, now that’s Definitely interesting. Makes me think the Bills may be looking to trade for him.
  10. I hope they are serious about Tua. I’d rather not see him land in Miami, or at least have it cost them some extra picks.
  11. https://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/2020/03/5-reasons-signing-josh-norman-was-smart-move-for-buffalo-bills.html 5 reasons signing Josh Norman was smart move for Buffalo Bills
  12. (continued in link) He also goes into some detail about how there were questionable defensive play calls and numerous blown assignments by teammates (especially when the defense played zone coverage) and Norman would recognize a teammate was out of position and in trouble and try to help cover for them, forint him to leave his assignment and allow a short/mid gain to prevent a home run play.
  13. So I wonder what this means exactly. Will they play in an empty arena? On the road? It’s getting late in the season to be able to make up the games if they’re just totally cancelled. edit -
  14. This site is great for the draft lottery. It tells you the odds for each team/draft position. http://www.tankathon.com/nhl The odds are: last place team 18.5%, 2nd last 13.5%, then 11.5%, 9.5%, 8.5%, 7.5% (Sabres current odds), 6.5, 6, 5, 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2, 1.5, 1.
  15. Isn’t what he used to be? Conklin only 25 (he just finished his rookie contract. Same age as A.Cooper) and had probably his best season yet in 2019. Also, from what he said to Tim Graham about Buffalo, I don’t think Amari Cooper is interested in signing here. He said he hates the cold weather and would rather take less money to play somewhere warm than take more money to play in Buffalo.
  16. New Jersey also sold off their best player (Taylor Hall) and another one of their best forwards this season (Blake Coleman). But as I said, they just don’t have the tanking experience Buffalo does. They’re rookies at it. The Sabres on the other hand are like the New England Patriots of tanking. They are grizzled veterans. They know what it takes to close out a tank down the stretch... ?
  17. https://www.nhl.com/standings/2019/league New Jersey just passed the Sabres in he standings. Buffalo is now 6th last. Anaheim is 2 points behind. San Jose is 3 points behind and have won 3 of 4. Ottawa 4 points behind and picking up points regularly. LA is 6 points behind and have won 5 straight. And Buffalo has a tough schedule coming up. 3 games against WSH. 2 more against PHI. 2 against CAR. 1 against Boston. Plus, these teams behind buffalo in the standings just don’t have the tanking experience buffalo does. They’re all rookies compared to the Sabres. Nobody finishes off a tank job like the Sabres do... ? A bottom 2-3 finish seems like a realistic possibility. I still can’t bring myself to root for losses. I want them to win. But the top of this draft does look pretty good. Ugh. So depressing to be looking toward the draft once again. Every season I think they are done tanking, and ever6 season I am wrong.
  18. If the Bills draft Higgins, I would think any character concerns on him were probably overblown.
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