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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. Correct. If that’s what the experts said was necessary to save many American lives, then no, I wouldn’t hold the economy against them for following the expert’s guidelines and trying to save American lives. I would actually praise them for doing the right thing. https://www.sciencealert.com/the-new-coronavirus-isn-t-like-the-flu-but-they-have-one-big-thing-in-common
  2. Absolutely. Any politicians Re-election should never, ever come before Americans health and safety. That’s a great way to lose my vote, because I certainly won’t be voting for any politician who does that and I know an awful lot of people who feel the same way.
  3. Thankfully they didn't actually do this.
  4. Agree. https://covidactnow.org/state/TX Click state by state. Click on the peak in each state. It tells you how many hospitalizations are predicted if the proper measures aren’t followed to flatten the curve. In Texas, for example, they predict 634,000 hospitalizations at peak. 426,000 in NY 465,000 in FL 864,000 in CA In smaller states they predict 50-150,000 hospitalizations. And even in the smallest they predict 10+k Our healthcare system simply can’t handle it. I’m not going to panic until I see what actually happens. But unless we have a very coherent, strict national plan in place with the ability to execute it when this “pause” is lifted (like S. Korea w/tons of testing, tracing & quarantining of any potentially infected patients, etc), I fear the outcome. I cant imagine that we will have everything needed in place by then - PPE and the other supplies needed, hospital beds/retrofitted buildings, etc, ventilators, enough doctors + nurses (some schools are even graduating students early to help fill the need), wide spread testing and tracking/tracing and so much more. I just don’t see how it can done in time.
  5. ? I don’t know what he’s saying but listening to him labor to breath is scary. True hero. RIP.
  6. Link to CDC report: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6912e3.htm Well, ****. That’s not good. Edit - apparently there’s some debate if this is true. I thought since it came from the CDC’s it was, but I guess some are saying this is not possible. So...?
  7. Says: ”What I'm living in fear of is what's happening to this country…‘Are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren?' And if that's the exchange I'm all in" ————— What about our healthcare workers who will have no choice? Or all the high risk Americans that don’t want to needlessly put their lives at risk? What if entire police forces or fire departments get sick? Or too many doctors and nurses? What if it totally overwhelms our hospitals and a lot more than just the elderly needlessly die? What happens to people that get in accidents or have other non-covid-19 health crises if our hospitals are overrun? What if we do this and it brings this country past the point of no return and we start seeing 700+ deaths a day like in Italy? Or worse? We already currently have one of the highest rates of covid-19 increase in the world right now. Getting a bunch more people sick is not really something I think we should be doing. I’m not sure that “sacrifice” at all helps this situation. What if so many get sick that it shuts down the economy even worse and for far longer? and this completely ignores the hospitalization rates of younger people. Around the world, 2-4 out of every 100 people who get this are dying. I know I’ll be pissed if my family’s life is needlessly put at risk because of poor choices (that directly contradict the experts) made by others. We need an aggressive national plan. This doesn’t have to be an either/or choice, and IMO the economy requires suppressing the virus. Some of these people are going to follow their leaders right off a cliff. There’s a reason why no infectious disease experts are recommending this plan (or any experts at all, that I’m aware of). Edit - here is the full interview: https://twitter.com/riegerreport/status/1242249603413655552?s=21 Trump: “You look at automobile accidents. Which are far greater than any numbers we're talking about. That doesn't mean we're going to tell everybody no more driving of cars." "If it were up to the doctors, they may say .. let's shut down the entire world."
  8. It’s still Sabres related IMO and worth sharing. https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/03-23-sabres-head-coach-ralph-krueger Thanks!
  9. I hope they put a similar plan in place to “major brother”.
  10. Reminds me of this... I’m an epidemiologist. When I heard about Britain’s ‘herd immunity’ coronavirus plan, I thought it was satire ?
  11. Sabres vs Devils 1994 semi final is airing on MSG in a few minutes (8pm)l Its cool getting to see hasek play again.
  12. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30566-3/fulltext “Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study” The antiviral used was lopinavir/ritonavir (HIV protease inhibitor) D-dimer is a fibrin degradation product, a small protein fragment present in the blood after a blood clot is degraded by fibrinolysis.
  13. ?‍♂️ Edit - interview with the woman who took the drug: https://twitter.com/vaughnhillyard/status/1242253997005664257?s=21
  14. @Hapless Bills Fan re:our conversation before. from the Associated Press. reliable source IMO. Edited to insert link to actual story: https://apnews.com/5dd6b30e03542b435e2716e3e3a483e4 [Edit: From discussion with AP sportswriter John Wawrow, AP's standard is that something must be verified by two primary sources before publication (primary meaning "I heard it said", not "I heard a guy who knows a guy who heard it"]
  15. Came across this. I have no idea how accurate it is. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30566-3/fulltext “Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study”
  16. Yeah If that’s what does happen I’m hoping that there will be a wide spread testing/tracing/isolation plan in place by then like S. Korea has. It may not even be an option in 2 weeks (going back to work) if the infection rates keep climbing at the rate they are now.
  17. I think I might trying to start to (re)learn Spanish. There are lots of language learning apps out there and I have an iTunes credit, so why not. Or I thought about taking some online courses. You can find a # of free courses if you look around. I also downloaded a couple free workout apps and am doing an exercise routine every day now. I’ve also been playing video games, watching TV/streaming services. Started watching “The Wire” again on the HBO go app. Need to catch of up “better call Saul” on Netflix. I started watching a new series on Netflix called “Tiger King: murder, mayhem and madness”. It’s pretty crazy so far. Worth checking out.
  18. No, I meant the “15 day pause” he called for. I don’t think he would lift state and local orders. But if he’s telling people it’s ok to go out and/or back to work, it’s going to be a lot harder to get people to stay home and follow local/state guidelines (though they won’t have a choice if their work isn’t open I guess). I just look at what happened when he finally started to take this thing serious just over a week ago. You saw a big shift in the national attitude. People finally started taking this thing seriously. You saw a lot less talk about “this is just an average flu”, etc. The president’s words carry a lot of weight. I think they are gearing up to send people back to work: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-signals-growing-weariness-with-social-distancing-and-other-steps-advocated-by-health-officials/2020/03/23/0920ea0a-6cfc-11ea-a3ec-70d7479d83f0_story.html even if it’s not an order, just encouraging businesses to open and call employees back is going to have a big impact on the decision a lot of businesses/employees make.
  19. Ralph Krueger is going to be on the instigators today (at 11am I think). Should be a pretty interesting listen I bet. He is back overseas and has family just outside the quarantine zones in Italy iirc. He has some interesting thoughts on this back on March 9th in an athletic article interview (and many thought he was being an alarmist at the time...). https://theathletic.com/1665553/2020/03/09/as-global-markets-sound-alarms-ralph-krueger-forecasts-paradigm-shift-in-society/ (sub req.)
  20. Also confirms the defense production act has not actually been invoked (despite claims that it has) I thought there were other benefits to invoking the DPA, like being able to keep foreign countries from buying supplies/equipment needed here (and so our states aren’t competing against foreign nations to buy it), and funding for the increased production of these goods? (I’m not sure though)
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