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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. Should be a pretty good game tonight. Iirc I believe they said there was a bunch of goals scored in this game.
  2. Check out this site. They have a bunch of pre-built computers if you don’t want to build your own. You can also pick a basic build and upgrade one or more components. https://www.ibuypower.com/Site/Computer/IntelDesktop (this is the intel processor section) If you want at least 8 cores in an intel processor, I believe you’re looking at at least a high end i7, or an i9 processor (which all have at least 8 cores iirc). I believe all i5 processors are 4 cores. AMD processors have more given codes at each price point but I’ve read intel offers more general computing performance (I’m not knowledgeable enough to really comment on the differences).
  3. https://wgr550.radio.com/articles/news/poloncarz-things-will-get-worse-before-we-get-better
  4. https://www.xbox.com/en-us/games/nier-automata If anyone has Xbox game pass, they just added Nier: Automata. It’s a PlayStation exclusive. really good game if you’ve never played it.
  5. Maybe I’ll finally try playing it if it ever hits Xbox/PS4 game pass.
  6. From a Vikings article on the Athletic: https://theathletic.com/1719861/2020/04/02/vikings-free-agency-review-nine-takeaways/
  7. So that’s why the world is in total chaos... (kidding)
  8. Is this airing anywhere? Or is it a conference call with the media?
  9. How to “coronavirus-proof” your home: https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2020/03/health/coronavirus-tipsheets/coronavirus-proof-your-home/index.html I thought this was a pretty good list. I added the stuff in the parentheses+italics
  10. https://wgr550.radio.com/articles/news/sabres-skinner-donating-to-help-those-fighting-covid-19 Jeff Skinner donating too.
  11. Local pharmacies are being asked to offer free home delivery in NYS. Here is a list of the pharmacies offering it so far. https://www.wkbw.com/news/coronavirus/list-of-pharmacies-offering-free-delivery-in-new-york
  12. https://cbs6albany.com/news/local/coronavirus-causes-nys-dmv-to-extend-vehicle-inspections NYS extending vehicle inspections. I’m glad because my inspection sticker expired today.
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