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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. I still have the original NES (with duck hunt gun) and original Atari in my basement + games & joysticks/controllers for both. I’ve thought about trying to hook them up recently, just out of total boredom. I have a couple really old computers + monitors too (one with a 3.5” floppy drive. I may even have one with a 5 1/4 floppy drive) and a bunch of old electronic supplies and test equipment from my grandpa’a TV repair shop (like old oscilloscopes and some other cool stuff).
  2. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 2,349 covid deaths in the US today, another new record.
  3. https://theathletic.com/1746933/2020/04/14/several-of-the-sabres-longest-tenured-executives-are-fired-in-widespread-pse-job-cuts/?amp#click=https://t.co/xONIjudV4R
  4. This is by far the most complete timeline of events I’ve seen yet, and they link to everything so you can verify their sources for yourself.
  5. ?? [Edit: Hapless sez, I have all kind of things to say about this, but I think when we get into debating Federal vs State powers it's kind of beyond the scope here. So some pruning occurred. Fundamentally, the only one who should decide when and where to reopen is a qualified public health epidemiologist, and the proper role of elected officials in a public health emergency at the Local, State, OR Federal level should have is to move heaven and earth to get them the test data they need to make a sound public health decision. ]
  6. https://www.nbcsports.com/video/falcons-thomas-dimitroff-gives-peter-king-tour-2020-nfl-draft-war-room?amp&__twitter_impression=true
  7. Hey John, any guesses on the lottery numbers? ?
  8. https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/health/2020/03/20/new-jersey-man-4th-family-member-die-coronavirus-20-isolated/2882689001/ They haven’t even been able to have proper funerals for their deceased family members (and all 4 died alone in isolation). It’s a nightmare scenario.
  9. Hey, check this thread out if you’re interested. There’s a number of different styles to choose from depending on what you’re looking for. Ive been making the blue shop towel masks for my family (the one with 2 layers). I was able to find the right type of shop towels at autozone. I believe harbor freight might have them too. Stay safe out there! Happy Easter!
  10. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/04/12/luke-kuechly-looking-for-a-way-to-stay-involved-with-football/ ‘Luke Kuechly looking for a way to stay involved with football’
  11. I did vet them as best I could before I posted it. One of the organizers was a congressional candidate. Another is a pro soccer coach and another is a famous fashion designer. Ive seen it shared on twitter by a number of people with blue check marks too. An actor from the avenger movies has also promoted it (Paul Bettany). And they’re posting pics on Twitter of their deliveries: BTW happy Easter Hap!
  12. I thought it was funny. No issues here.
  13. Pass this on to any first responders you know in WNY: https://buffalonews.com/2020/04/09/first-responders-can-get-n95-masks-through-mcguire-donation/
  14. This is what I could find: https://www.baltimoresun.com/coronavirus/cng-ag-harford-social-distancing-score-20200407-m2b54c5d4zbdjpocuvtl65cyy4-story.html And here’s the site for the company running this scoreboard: https://www.unacast.com/covid19/social-distancing-scoreboard
  15. https://www.buffalobills.com/video/catching-up-with-gm-brandon-beane Catching up with Bills GM Brandon Beane
  16. Yes, I believe it was South Korea. At one point, 3/5ths of the country’s cases were traced back to that one church. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/02/24/808914718/secretive-church-sect-at-the-center-of-south-koreas-coronavirus-outbreak https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-a-south-korean-church-was-the-perfect-petri-dish-for-coronavirus-11583082110 Here’s another story from California. One church was the epicenter for a big outbreak. Over 70 members of the church were infected with COVID19. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-04-02/pentecostal-church-in-sacramento-linked-to-dozens-of-coronavirus-cases Another article on coronavirus being spread by church services around the world: https://www.wsj.com/articles/coronavirus-is-spreading-at-religious-gatherings-ricocheting-across-nations-11584548174 another from Chicago: https://blockclubchicago.org/2020/04/09/a-funeral-to-a-birthday-party-to-church-heres-how-coronavirus-spread-in-chicago/
  17. In my opinion - No, not at all. I think it’s smart. Allowing big crowded church services is crazy IMO. I get that it’s Easter Sunday. But It’s like asking for a big outbreak to happen. These crowded church services are likely to become hotspots for COVID19 outbreaks. I feel the same about gatherings at homes. Unless you know for 100% sure that everyone at the gathering has been at home in quarantine, without any potential exposure to the virus, it’s a risk. You can be contagious with covid for days before you start showing symptoms or even know you’re sick. Just look at that story from the family in New Jersey. They had a family brunch and a week later all 7 people at the brunch were sick with COVID19. Last I read, 2 had died, one was in ICU in critical condition. If you’re not allowing the country to work in office buildings with other workers, why would you allow them to crowd into homes or churches? Shared indoor air is the danger (along with being in close quarters with someone who’s sick, and all the surfaces in that shared space that a sick person could contaminate as well). That’s true at home and in churches just as much as it is at work. This virus is very contagious. watch this video Hapless posted on how easily an airborne virus spreads:
  18. This one requires a bit of sewing. It’s still a pretty simple design though. It is washable and has a filter pocket, so you can easily discard/change your filter material.
  19. Here’s another super simple mask that can be made with an old t shirt and a couple cuts: Another version made from a t shirt:
  20. No-sew mask from blue shop towels. He uses paper shop towels. I would recommend using the polyester/hydro-knit version (like Scott’s Pro or Zeb’s or Toolbox’s brands. Look for hydro knit material, not paper). 2 layers of hydro knit material is supposed to filter up to 93% (which, if true, is pretty good for a homemade face mask) Here’s another video using 2 layers of blue shop towel (which is what the business insider article recommended. Article linked below) Article on why to use the blue hydro knit shop towels: https://www.businessinsider.com/homemade-mask-using-hydro-knit-shop-towel-filters-better-2020-4
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